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[Announcement] Upcoming changes to VIP "Benefits" and CDPatcher - Thoughts on possible upcoming patcher changes

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Dear users of CodeDeception, and all the community dev lurkers.

As made apparent by the recent update by Suspense in his thread on the legal battles with Bossland, chances are that Bossland most likely recieved a default judgement in the court case. If you aren't updated on this lawsuit, please refer to this post by suspense:

While a lot of the points in this case were completely untrue then, and still remains completely untrue now, such as CDpatcher being a paid product(its free), we are most uncertain what this "default judgement" could allow Bossland to do against us. We strongly believe we have a very good relationship with our partners and that they will be able to see through the lies that might come from Bossland, however we also feel it is time to look at changing how some of the stuff work around here.


  • As of a few days ago, donations have been disabled - they will remain so for an undecided amount of time, but will of course return for those that do want to support us. CD have always been non-profit, it will continue to be non-profit, disabling donations brings me to my next point.
  • VIP auth is history. When the new HB version is "approved" for public use, the current VIP auth will be converted to a secondary public auth server. Everyone will have access to both servers.
  • No VIP auth means everyone will have access to newest versions of every single supported bot by cdpatcher, provided the game client did NOT patch.

On top of the changes to VIP auth and the current donation system, we will also be preparing to cut costs as a result of cutting donations by working toward making CDpatcher less dependant on us, this includes ways of making CDpatcher work seamnlessly client-side with no server-side requirements, this will allow us to bring on more contributers and allow CDPatcher to be shared in many more places without having any negative side effects on our site or other backend systems like we have experiences with the rampant sharing in china and the asian region in general.


It was never our intention to restrict access to CDPatcher, we do not believe access to CDPatcher was ever restricted, but apparently it seems some people misunderstood this, hopefully this will make it perfectly clear to everyone....

We are free

We will always be free



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With making the vip auth public, im assuming this means the donate button would be able to return, since it has no relation to CDpatcher, but merely gives access to the vip section and its content as a reward for donating?

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As long as you guys dont quit ;) 

Really though, so much drama about a Video game.

Please keep up the Media server!  Way more important, dont ever quit that.

Personally thats the only reason Im with you and I dont think Im the only one.

As Setavai said.

Just split the donation system to be for the Media server, what happens within the forum section of the media server can be of many sorts.


Wish you luck figuring it all out!

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It could be good to make two donations systems yes, one about the Plex/Emby server for people wants to supports it and another on for bots, for others who supports it :)

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On 16.4.2016 at 10:43 PM, Cylae said:

and another on for bots, for others who supports it

you didnt really read the topic...

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I would say to make the donations for the vip sections of the forum only. this takes the bossland claims that CD is selling access to the patcher out and also helps us keep supporting CD. the emby and vip sections are the rewards for donating to help the community stay alive and flourish.

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You should make a separate website not related to this one,

where people could just donate to support you in the lawsuit.

As far as I remember isnt that what bossland did with his?

As long as the donators have the same name as in the forum you could backtrack that

and still have a similar reward system running as it was.


That would be hilarious...

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I'll still gladly donate for no perks or anything due to the legal situation and im sure many others will also.

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I wanted to give some feedback here as a brand new VIP member.

After using the search function, and browsing most of the forums here, I still have no idea what CDPatcher is, or where to get it. I donated because I thought the VIP section might give a better selection of profiles for Private WoW servers. This isn't the case, but it certainly wasn't for CDPatcher. Maybe CDPatcher was taken down? Maybe there was a thread, and it's now buried in a forum? I don't know, but I couldn't find a single thing on it to tell me what it is, so I can say without a doubt, I did not donate for CDpatcher.


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13 hours ago, Morx said:

I wanted to give some feedback here as a brand new VIP member.

After using the search function, and browsing most of the forums here, I still have no idea what CDPatcher is, or where to get it. I donated because I thought the VIP section might give a better selection of profiles for Private WoW servers. This isn't the case, but it certainly wasn't for CDPatcher. Maybe CDPatcher was taken down? Maybe there was a thread, and it's now buried in a forum? I don't know, but I couldn't find a single thing on it to tell me what it is, so I can say without a doubt, I did not donate for CDpatcher.


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