
CDAuth current and future situation

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Wait so I'm a little confused, what exactly happened. 

Bossland took over the old domain, but the admin team must have had a backup db right? Or did Bossland update their bots and the old dev team here stopped updating? 

Though to be fair the last time I used honorbuddy was in June 2015, so a lot may have happened since then. I quit right about the time Bossland started a court case or something against the admin of cd, but everything was working till then. 

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14 minutes ago, Jadax said:

Bossland took over the old domain, update their bots and the old dev team here stopped updating? 

Both, yes.

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3 hours ago, WhiteCat said:
13 hours ago, WhiteCat said:

We never sold


it got stolen by bossland

is this legal? 

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Is there any country in which it is 'legal' to 'steal' things?

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Just wondering, but how much $$$ do you need for this to work again? Ball park range: $1k +/-

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20 hours ago, WhiteCat said:

We never sold


it got stolen by bossland

Bro, its kinda hard to be upset about your domain going awol to the company your stealing from. Haha

Dont get me wrong.. Bossland is overpriced and underdeveloped on the warden side of things, but to be mad that your domain is gone.. Something someone paid $10 for 10 years ago when you guys crack a subscription based program.. Its apples to apples here.. You give away $1 million worth of free product.. they steal your $10 domain name and redirect your customers

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23 hours ago, forthecake said:

this is funny. Literally stealing someone elses stuff/work and then reselling it. I can understand if someone wants to make it free like CDpatcher was in the past and people could donate to support the forum...but directly donating to do this is ridiculous. Sure the payment model for honorbuddy is pretty awful but that doesnt justify this lmao

what a joke. Honestly the way it should go back to being is just locally cracked like it was rather than using the auth servers of CD. this entire project just descended into a money grab.

Why did you get triggered?

I will never support a company ruining the game for everyone trying to play the game normally. What they are doing is a bad ting, but if you want to support them, go ahead, you dont need to use cd. I dont bot now, but would pay CD 2x normal price before suporting honorbuddy. 

Why are you kissing bossland ass, lol? We should steal it and resell it as much as possible to stop them, because blizzard lawsuits wont go anywhere. 

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4 hours ago, [email protected] said:

Why are you kissing bossland ass, lol? We should steal it and resell it as much as possible to stop them, because blizzard lawsuits wont go anywhere. 


Did you even read his comment?  How did you arrive at the conclusion that he was kissing Bossland's ass?

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1 hour ago, kodind said:

R.I.P. cd


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Well doomsday here and there. But before the leadership change people raised enough funds to cover couple month of server fees for auth server if they cut off the emby/plex media server and they did to reduce the server costs. (Or at least that was what Suspense said on discord and basicly thats what happened, i know because it was my idea and the next day the donations were disabled for reasons unknown).
After the new leadership took over the auth server was functional for 3-4 weeks but rarely any updates then nothing. Since the domain takeover cdauth was simply offline. But say it was 2 months of uptime because we dont know when i became offline because without updates we only see its not working.

I belive they got a couple donations but obviously not many because no one want to support or appriciate the work of those coders whose ceation is not working. Also they are now asking for donations because of the lack of funds. But as far as i can tell this wont work because of the reasons i said earlier. 

I am not saying there werent changes in the buddy products that makes them harder to crack but when i see Adolan cracked pokebuddy i dont think it is an impossible work to do for CD admins. HB has some big changes right but what about the other bots? Even ones that are not connected to Bossland?

Right now 1-2 posts from admins each month is not so mutch. They are telling big things but none of them came true in the past months. I lost my faith towards CD. Now its starting to look like a scam. But hey, proove me wrong.


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You have good reasons, Feep.

The last months were a little bit 'strange' - Indeed. All we can do is just looking forward to see how the admins and moderators are developing things in the next weeks. I hope they change their attitude and are more transparent to the community, otherwise this 'community' and project is nothing more than just a dead horse.

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Tbh they didn't say how much money they need even when they were asked. Before staff was changed at least we could see monthly goal and as i recall it took about 10-15 days to collect enough money for auth servers etc, they collected enough money so they wanted to give some more stuff and they introduced Plex. Than Susp got sued and he was leaving at the time CD needed more money since community couldn't donate enough, site got "stolen", new members were introduced etc.. no news for two weeks, even tho "BIG NEWS TOMORROW" was pined  and no news announced. Took em 2-3 days to change it to "Maintenance" and two weeks after that they ask for donations. It looks relay shady and ppl don't like that..

Anyways they should crack HB asap since new expansion is live in 3 days and ppl will come back = more donations, at least inform us with progress, if not daily on two days basis.... 

Some will donate others not, that's how it was that's how it will be...



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Honestly it feels like CD is dead and the new owners are just trying to recoup their investment. Already bought legit keys after being left in the dark with no info for 3 weeks. I imagine there will be more donations if the product actually works again, but for now it will be hard to gain the trust of the community.

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1 hour ago, salhum said:

Honestly it feels like CD is dead and the new owners are just trying to recoup their investment.

Or maybe "new owners" == "bossland" :D 

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my thoughts on that:

1. protection of honorbuddy auth has been improved greatly and is now harder to crack
I can see from my proxifier log that the amount of data sent/received to buddyauth server has increased like 4 times at least.
Also it is contacted more frequently than before
Hence the the statement of PsychosyX: " This means we are forced to build a whole new CDAuth system."

2. in the next days/weeks bossland will release HB Version 3. AFAIK One of the big changes will be navigaton: this will be server side! 
The CD team has to provide A LOT of server power to emulate that, otherwise they have to include mesh database and emulation into cdauth to compute navigation on your pc.

This change might also be the reason bossland dropped lifetime licenses as the needed server power cost them every month a lot of money :D

3. The lack of information from cd owners MIGHT also be tactics against bossland.
The more information of cracking status is given the more likely are "counter attacks" by bossland to fight cracking.

4. if people can't "live" without botting:  do not wait for cdauth - go grab a bossland key for a month ;)

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I've been with this community through several permutations.  They've "lost" their TLD multiple times and always resurfaced.  They've had staff that stole money.  They've been targeted by Boss and Blizz and who knows what else over the years.  Each time it happened, the community re materialized and came back stronger than ever.  No one ever complained.  No one ever cried.  No one ever begged for money.  Each resurrection of the community was a fiery phoenix casting off the fire and being reborn into something greater.

So...what's the deal this time?  I mean, sure, things could be worse than they've ever been...  But such a defeated and somewhat shady response from the people in charge?  I don't mean to be judgmental or rude, but it seems like the new people in charge are either incapable or unwilling to face the challenges they've volunteered for. 

We don't know the new owners well enough to trust them with our hard-earned cash.  We haven't seen any marvelous results from them taking over.  While I have a nostalgic loyalty to the CD community, I don't have that for the new owners and, so far, I've seen no proof that giving them money will produce any results...  What was said in the OP is that the CD staff can't handle the task they promised us. 

And for those of you who may feel the need to argue, let me clarify.  They don't OWE us anything, we shouldn't EXPECT anything from them.  But what we shouldn't need to question is their ability to run the site, which many of the community have begun to do.  I always enjoyed donating to the site because I felt like I should support the work they do...and no one here can honestly say that the perks of VIP weren't worth the donation.  But with the VIP benefits beginning to dry up and the staff saying they can't do this without our really makes one wonder if the site is worth supporting or if it's better to cut and run.  I've always felt that this site had a nice family-ish feel to it.  The crazy conversations in the chat box, the way people tease and pick on each other in threads...a lot of that has gone.  The new staff aren't as personable as the old ones (in my opinion, of course).  With the family feeling gone and CDPatcher dead....CD doesn't really have anything to offer that OC or EPVP does...

So, to the new staff.  What can YOU do to show that our donations would do better invested in CodeDeception's coffers as opposed to one of the similar sites such as OwnedCore or ElitePVP?  If you can give me a strong, believable defense of why this site is better, I'll drop a donation.  Nostalgia and empty promises are NOT acceptable responses. ^_^

Edit: Also, how does one "steal" someone's domain?  I mean, you register a domain through a registrar and you point the DNS at your site.  The domain is registered to you and you have complete control over it.  Even IF someone managed to "hack" the registrar, you issue a complaint and get it back.  The fact that Bossland was able to permanently "steal" the domain seems extremely iffy to me....a few days, sure...a couple weeks...fine....but seriously, if the staff legitimately owned the domain, then how could it be stolen?  I'd REALLY like an explanation of how this is possible, if someone would care to explain it! ^_^

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@dynastyo Bossland is not stupid to do such shady stuff. If they had really "stolen" anything, they would get a lawsuit asap and CD would just simply get it back with a phone call to their domain provider. They are a very big business and can not afford that fishy hacking stuff for their prestige.

Something had to go terribly wrong for CD. It is just easier to say Bossland has "stolen" the domain, because most people will believe that without asking anything and redirect their anger to Bossland instead of CD. Without any real inside information it is just guesswork. The fact that the CD stuff only statement is "they stolen things" is not very reliable.


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@genie i just replied to the question "Also, how does one "steal" someone's domain?"

its possible, i didnt say bossland done that. all good brother, chill :)

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I see a lot HB cracks are still working(Currently v844) even with Buddystore product, and all the cracks  based one CDPatcher, because everytime you lauch their cracked HB, you can see CDPatcher in task manager. Thus confused me why CD team takes such long time still cant get nothing work?

And I dont think ppl would donate to something they cant see or use.  Especially when they gradually losing faith on it.

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28 minutes ago, lenhoo said:

I see a lot HB cracks are still working(Currently v844) even with Buddystore product, and all the cracks  based one CDPatcher, because everytime you lauch their cracked HB, you can see CDPatcher in task manager. Thus confused me why CD team takes such long time still cant get nothing work?

And I dont think ppl would donate to something they cant see or use.  Especially when they gradually losing faith on it.

Link a couple of them.

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11 minutes ago, Feep said:

Link a couple of them.

PMed one

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