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HB for 5.4.8?

3 posts in this topic

yes i use google and cant find anything, do you have something for me pls)

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i am waiting for a very long time for a 5.4.8 version of HB.. and i cant understand why it is so hard to crack it.
i mean there was a CD Patcher and a HB Version for 5.4.8 so isnt it that easy that you just upload these old versions to use it?
we only need for every expansion the end contend bot.

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2 minutes ago, akuma88 said:

i am waiting for a very long time for a 5.4.8 version of HB.. and i cant understand why it is so hard to crack it.
i mean there was a CD Patcher and a HB Version for 5.4.8 so isnt it that easy that you just upload these old versions to use it?
we only need for every expansion the end contend bot.

It's not that simple. The auth server is no longer compatible with the signatures of these old versions, neither is the patcher. Backups of such old binaries are not kept either. 

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