
www bot

4 posts in this topic

Hello forum! I find myself again in need of your help :)

I guess you`ve already heard about sites that are doing daily raffles/giveaways of game keys or certain items... I`m looking to create a web bot that scans and joins new raffles automatically! I`ve tried creating one using imacros but that would only record the giveaways that I have entered and I could`t find a way to make it scan for new ones...

From what I understand it should be a easy script however I lack heavy knowledge of web development :(

I`ve watched a tutorial on youtube about basic web botting and so far I`ve made it to login on steam but that is as far as I can go...here is the code (I hope I don`t upset anyone for posting the website):


set webbrowser = createobject("internetexplorer.application")webbrowser.statusbar = falsewebbrowser.menubar = falsewebbrowser.toolbar = falsewebbrowser.visible = truewebbrowser.navigate("http://tf2r.com/news.html")wscript.sleep(5000)webbrowser.navigate("http://tf2r.com/login")wscript.sleep(10000)webbrowser.document.all.item("steamAccountName").value = "evil4you"webbrowser.document.all.item("steamPassword").value = "would`t you like to know :P"wscript.sleep(100)webbrowser.document.all.item("imageLogin").click
Ok...the routine should be something like this:

- scan for new raffles

- +condition: more than 1 new raffle > open each in new tabs > join > return to main page and scan again...

- +condition: no new raffle > wait 5 minutes > reload page and scan again...

- +condition: only 1 new raffle > open > join > return to main page and scan again...

If someone who knows these things could help me create a small vbs script (or any other type of script that you might know better and that could follow this routine) it would be really great and appreciated!

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Poll the sever every x interval, then parse the html for raffles. You shouldn't attempt something like this if you don't know what you're doing/not comfortable working with the language

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Agree with what desire said







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Time stamp: 10:50

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