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About SND

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  1. will take a look later
  2. theres no noob bot code on my github aye aye will send you a discord invite soon
  3. send me the files so i can debug them
  4. //Thread Locked
  5. throw me a pm when you found files pls
  6. you cannot use CDPatcher ATM anyways .
  7. then why lurk around for the patch here ?
  8. Pinned the thread . Thank you for your contribution to the community !
  9. Well , if you feel useless now you are free to move to something you can do NOW If you dont want to expand yourself, i cant help you
  10. This topic has been moved from "General Chat" to "General Chat"
  11. This topic has been moved from "General Chat" to "General Chat"
  12. This topic has been moved from "Introductions and Departures" to "Introductions and Departures"
  13. i saw you posting in some other languages multiple times now. Please use proper english while posting on the forum or i am forced to see that as spam . Which would result in a ban for you. Thanks