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About evil4you

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  1. Hello forum! I find myself again in need of your help I guess you`ve already heard about sites that are doing daily raffles/giveaways of game keys or certain items... I`m looking to create a web bot that scans and joins new raffles automatically! I`ve tried creating one using imacros but that would only record the giveaways that I have entered and I could`t find a way to make it scan for new ones... From what I understand it should be a easy script however I lack heavy knowledge of web development I`ve watched a tutorial on youtube about basic web botting and so far I`ve made it to login on steam but that is as far as I can go...here is the code (I hope I don`t upset anyone for posting the website): set webbrowser = createobject("internetexplorer.application")webbrowser.statusbar = falsewebbrowser.menubar = falsewebbrowser.toolbar = falsewebbrowser.visible = truewebbrowser.navigate("http://tf2r.com/news.html")wscript.sleep(5000)webbrowser.navigate("http://tf2r.com/login")wscript.sleep(10000)webbrowser.document.all.item("steamAccountName").value = "evil4you"webbrowser.document.all.item("steamPassword").value = "would`t you like to know :P"wscript.sleep(100)webbrowser.document.all.item("imageLogin").clickOk...the routine should be something like this:- scan for new raffles - +condition: more than 1 new raffle > open each in new tabs > join > return to main page and scan again... - +condition: no new raffle > wait 5 minutes > reload page and scan again... - +condition: only 1 new raffle > open > join > return to main page and scan again... If someone who knows these things could help me create a small vbs script (or any other type of script that you might know better and that could follow this routine) it would be really great and appreciated!
  2. I thought lazyraider was already present in the cm release?!
  3. yes...I`ve already tried some of them and they work fine...
  4. Wow! This looks great! Downloading and testing now! Will come back with feedback Thanks for answering my request EDIT: ok so my opinion so far Its ok for PVE but not good with PVP... it is very slow when activating spells.. huntersmark is applied way too late in battle, it won`t use disengage and feign death at all... plus it has some issues with combat as well.. it made me laugh when on eots he was heading for the biggest fight and when arrived he just stood there... when everybody around him was fighting for their lives he was something like this by the way I like the log messages Important spells for MM and SV hunter are never used or missing !! Perhaps you could implement something like a rotation system... like the user could choose what spells the bot should use and also in what order they should be activated whenever their ready to use or conditioned by buffs/debuffs and certain situations...this way you could cover all talent builds and users could make their own presets to use either for PVE or PVP... just a small suggestion
  5. You can try these as you wait for Deathburns CC`s... http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/39147-compilation-best-classes-ccs-lazyraider.html http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/42174-lazyraider-all-one-pve-ccs.html But be careful as these are all working with LazyRaider only... which means you have to assist the bot in movement...I could`nt find one that would work without it... and also most of these are meant for PVE mostly... Until Deathburns finishes hes work it will do for now
  6. Hello Forum! I`m looking for an old CC that works with Deathburn`s release of HB... A Hunter CC more exactly... I find that the preinstalled CC, Singular is a bit sluggish... I`m hopping you guys can provide me with a better one. I`ve browsed the buddyforum for one but all of their CC seems to work with their newer versions of HB only...