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[Selling] WoW Scripts & Damage Hacks 3.3.5a

8 posts in this topic

Skype: mrscripterx    YOU CAN SEE ALL THE FEEDBACKS HERE: 

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f0ntyr.pngWarrior Scripts:< 30 EURO >
Auto Global Gameplay, Auto Disarm, Auto Rogue Spot, Anti Rogue Vanish, Buff Assistant, Auto Berserker Rage, Scatter Reflect, Scatter Intervene, Auto Overpower, Auto Reflect, Tremor Mouseover Destroy, Auto Interrupt, Anti-Succubus, Auto Kick (with human logic to be undetectable).

Paladin scripts: < 20 EURO >
Auto Dispell, Auto Succubus Fear before Seduce and in Seduce, Auto Sacrifice, LUA Heal Macro.

Priest scripts: < 20 EURO >
Auto Dispell, Auto SWD, Auto Rebuff Inner Fire, Tremor Mouseover Destroy, SWD on trap also without scatter. LUA Heal Macro, Lua Dispell Macro, Lua Assist Macro (Holy Fire + Smite), Lua Dots (Both dots in one macro).

Mage scripts:< 20 EURO
Counterspell, Safe Counterspell, Safe Deep Freeze, Fake Reflect/Grounding Totem, Anti-SWD, Auto Ice Barrier, Anti-Rogue Combat.

Shamman scripts: < 30 EURO >
Wind Shear, Cleanse, Anti-Rogue Combat, Re-Totems, Auto Weapon Enchant, Auto Grounding Totem, Anti Grounding Totem, Tremor Mouseover Destroy, Feral Instant Cast Remover (also works VS drood and shamman NS), Purge, Anti-Reflect, Seduce Tremor, Water Shield Renew.

Warlock Scripts: < 20 EURO >
Anti Reflect, Anti SWD Succubus, Auto Port in Bladestorm, Shadow Dance...

Deathknight Scripts:< 30 EURO >
Auto rotation with auto CDs and auto burst. Best rotation script in the market.

Druid Scripts:< 30 EURO EACH >

- Feral: Best DMG Rotation, Auto swap Cat Form to remove slow, roots, novas..., Instant Cyclone when enemy casting important CC or Healing spells, Anti Reflect, Anti Grounding, Auto Remove Curse, Auto stun to stop important healing or CC, Safe Cyclone (not usable if enemy has bubble, ice block, grounding...) Anti-Rogue Combat.

- Restoration: Auto swap Travel Form to remove roots, novas... or to stop Polymorphs. Anti Reflect, Anti Grounding. Auto Healing Rotation.

Rogue Scripts: < 20 EURO >

3.3.5a Lich King: Auto Shadowstep Kick on important spells, Auto Blind on enemy trinket if he has no dots, Auto Bladestorm Disarm.

4.3.4 Cataclysm (All 3 rogue specs): best rogue pvp routine that does everything automatically to control all the arena. You only need to move your character. It has also a burst mode key and custom macros. SUPPORTS ALL 3 ROGUE SPECS.

5.4.8 Mist of Pandaria (All 3 rogue specs): best rogue pvp routine that does everything automatically to control all the arena. You only need to move your character. It has also a burst mode key. SUPPORTS ALL 3 ROGUE SPECS.


Hunter Scripts: < 30 euro >

- MM spec: auto PvP Damage rotation with the best damage, auto drain mana shot in focus healer, Auto Scatter + Trap on target (100% chance to trap success)

Deep Wounds Hack: < 40 EURO >
Makes your Deep Wounds more stackable to do more damage. Also sometimes hits extra deep wounds procs invisible to the combat log.

Warrior GCD Reducer: < 30 EURO >
Will reduce your warrior's GCD by 0,4 seconds.

Bleedings Hack: < 30 EURO >
Feral Bleedings invisible extra bleed damage.

Dodge/Parry Hack: < 30 EURO >
Increases your dodge and parry chance by +6%

Invisible DMG Hack: < 40 EURO >
Each 30 seconds - 1 minute - 2 minutes will unleash an extra attack invisible to the combat log of 3k-4k-5k, depending on the damage you're doing. (For example, I was hitting a guy in arena and his HP went from 15k to 10k without doing anything).

GCD Hack: < 30 EURO >
This patch reduces your GCD by 0,2 seconds. Best CD Reducer in the market for all classes.

Shield Wall / Recklessness / Retaliation CD Hack:  < 20 EURO >
Reduces the CD of this three spells and makes it to be 12 seconds always (You can't cast the same spell twice. For example: you can't Shield Wall > Shield Wall > Shield Wall, but you can cast Shield Wall > Retaliation > Shield Wall) (Not working in big servers like Warmane or WoW Circle).

Fixed Range Hack: < 20 EURO >
Instead of increasing the range by 9 yards like the old fixed one, it increases your range by 4 yards. Working in all servers.

Auto-Hotkey Script: < 20 EURO >
This script increases your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "111111".


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Reads good but i doubt that these are really working and not bannable, and the prices. Jesus...

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Auto-Hotkey Script: < 20 EURO >
This script increases your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "111111".

top kek

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12 hours ago, Sylencer90 said:

Reads good but i doubt that these are really working and not bannable, and the prices. Jesus...

Hello! Yes, this are really working, you can see all our feedbacks from other buyers in the link that we posted at the beginning of this post. And no, the stuff we sell is not bannable, it's 100% safe. This are quality scripts and quality hacks.



2 hours ago, pLeYa said:

Auto-Hotkey Script: < 20 EURO >
This script increases your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "111111".

top kek

It's not the program for 20 euro. You pay 20 euro to have a 24/7 support with AutoHotkey scripts and to ask us to make any script that you want with AutoHotkey.

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