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Keep getting this error when I try to start Hearthbuddy
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2016-05-15 04:22:06,360 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy Version: 0.3.1200.268
Path: C:\Users\bots\HB\<ExeName>
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.10240
OS Architecture: 32-bit
InstalledUICulture: en-US [English (United States)]
CurrentUICulture: en-US [English (United States)]
CurrentCulture: en-US [English (United States)]
2016-05-15 04:22:06,430 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now setting up JitProfiles...
2016-05-15 04:22:06,468 [1] INFO Logger (null) - JitProfiles successfully setup!
2016-05-15 04:22:06,469 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now beginning pre-start tasks.
2016-05-15 04:22:06,498 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Now checking prerequisites...
2016-05-15 04:22:07,566 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Prerequisite check complete!
2016-05-15 04:22:07,618 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Pre-start tasks successfully completed.
2016-05-15 04:22:24,861 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15
2016-05-15 04:22:25,062 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.1200.268] is up to date!
2016-05-15 04:22:25,623 [1] INFO Logger (null) - Region: cn
2016-05-15 04:22:25,624 [1] INFO Logger (null) - T: 5247674847878733189 H: 2132440543
2016-05-15 04:22:28,414 [6] ERROR Logger (null) - System.Exception: Could not successfully set up_synchronization_events!
at GreyMagic.Executor.InitializeDetour()
at GreyMagic.Executor..ctor(ExternalProcessMemory memory, ExecutorInitParams initParams)
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.Init(ExternalProcessMemoryInitParams initParams)
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.Init(Process p, Boolean startupExecutor, Boolean dx9, Boolean startupRasm, IntPtr hookFunc, Boolean defaultCacheValue, Int32 copyBytes, Boolean veh, Boolean iatHook)
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory..ctor(Process p, Boolean startupExecutor, Boolean dx9, Boolean startupRasm)
at Triton.Game.TritonHs.?????????????????????????????????????????(Process , ????????????????????????????????????????? , String& )
2016-05-15 04:22:37,831 [1] DEBUG Logger (null) - The log filename has been copied to the clipboard: C:\Users\bots\HB\Logs\Hearthbuddy 6220 2016-05-15 00.22.txt
I have everything working with cdpatcher side but when hearthbuddy launches and i click set for the first "default" and enter my key it starts up normally and then when it is loading it gives me this error.
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