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What are you guys using for gold farming?

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Hey guys I've been wondering. What are you farming / gathering to get gold in WoW with HB ? I'm trying several stuff but I want to make more gold faster. I would be really pleased to know what are you methods :P Even if they are in PM. 

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Step 1: Do anything that makes gold.
Step 2: Repeat step 1 until you have enough gold.

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On 08/05/2016 at 11:34 AM, Darkcat said:

Hey guys I've been wondering. What are you farming / gathering to get gold in WoW with HB ? I'm trying several stuff but I want to make more gold faster. I would be really pleased to know what are you methods :P Even if they are in PM. 

Pretty much this - I for example, started running the Cataclysm raids on 25hc on a few characters - which makes around 8k per character per week. It didn't seem like much initially, but then I levelled 10 100s who are all doing the same thing = profit 

On 08/05/2016 at 4:42 PM, Feep said:

Step 1: Do anything that makes gold.
Step 2: Repeat step 1 until you have enough gold.

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Run my dailies, run Garrison then swap to a gather, location based on where I am getting PVPd haha

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