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[Suggestions] PVP/PVE Paladin [Suggestions]

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As some of the older members here know, I've returned. Don't remember me. That is a-ok but anywho!

I'm searching for suggestions on which route I should go, to set up a PVP ret/PVE prot paladin. I don't think I'll mess with arenas (never have)

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 I need your PVP junkie self ideas! :D

Let the suggestions fly!


Level: 100

Class: Paladin

Race: Blood elf


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LOL I suck at PVP ;D

The ones I know here that PVP and are quite good I guess its @Uzqt which I haven't seen in a while and @Setavai

If u plan to tank, whatever works fine, HB or Soap, both about the same... Just remember to disable all the CDs if u plan to do Heroic+ or u will get screwed...



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3 hours ago, pLeYa said:

Reroll rogue and buy vitalic :D

Rogue is what everyone and their mother goes for. If I do heavy DPS, I'll level a warrior. ;)


4 hours ago, Tera1000 said:

LOL I suck at PVP ;D

The ones I know here that PVP and are quite good I guess its @Uzqt which I haven't seen in a while and @Setavai

If u plan to tank, whatever works fine, HB or Soap, both about the same... Just remember to disable all the CDs if u plan to do Heroic+ or u will get screwed...



CD = cooldowns?

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 you active bud?

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 what you going to be busy tomorrow? Not sure your time zone but wanted to see if you could help set up HB for dung/raid. I'll give you a coooookie!

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