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Some old funservers, where are they?

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I was thinking back on when I played on funservers and was wondering if they still exist somwhere. The private servers I'm looking for is:


-Excigence gaming, old website:  The server I played on was a lvl 255 with custom content and items.


-'t remember their name), I belive it was a tbc server with xX amount of xp boost(blizzlike).


Those two is about it. I have googled it without success but maybe you guys got some clues.


I'm also planning on starting playing on a fun server/private server and I would like to know if you know any good servers. I'm mainly looking for tbc or wotlk servers but private servers with a level cap of 255(or something like that) would be interesting!


Let me know.

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oh i could name many WarStyle max 1000, UnforgifenWoW, DankWoW, etc but now retail is my all got tired of OP donors with mils of DPS

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