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About Hellu

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  1. Did some more digging&testing and found out that if I disable HIPS in smart security it works. When HIPS is enabled it automatically protects your computer from wierd/suspicious system behavior so I guess CDPatcher triggered that. Disabling the AV did not automatically disable HIPS. Got HB up and running for the moment, with my AV activated. So far, so good.
  2. I guess, perhaps next year. Thanks for every1 responses.
  3. Thing is, even if I do turn it off it doesn't work. Still detects a trojan in my "workingmemory" even though I've turned everything off, as said. Protection and firewall :/
  4. Can I take that as a confirmation that the trouble is on my end?
  5. Hello! I've excluded cdpatcher in my antivirus program(eset, Smart Security 8) and created two rules in windows firewall(inbound&outbound) allowing it to do w/e. Excluded both the folder and the .exe in SS8. What happens when I start the .exe is that eset detects it as a trojan, the object/trojan(cdpatcher) is in my "workingmemory", and puts it in quarantine yet the cdpatcher is still in the folder in the end. I do not get the window to choose my "auth server" which I did get a few days ago(it was still detecting it as a trojan, doing the same thing like above) but couldn't use HB anyway due to HB detecting my code(CDPatcher key) as invalid. Am I doing something wrong, missing something or do I need to add something to the pot? I've tried putting it in differect directories(C:, D: and H:, total of 3). ~Hellu
  6. Hello! I was thinking back on when I played on funservers and was wondering if they still exist somwhere. The private servers I'm looking for is: -Excigence gaming, old website: exwow.com. The server I played on was a lvl 255 with custom content and items. - funserver.cc(don't remember their name), I belive it was a tbc server with xX amount of xp boost(blizzlike). Those two is about it. I have googled it without success but maybe you guys got some clues. I'm also planning on starting playing on a fun server/private server and I would like to know if you know any good servers. I'm mainly looking for tbc or wotlk servers but private servers with a level cap of 255(or something like that) would be interesting! Let me know.
  7. Update: It was as simple as my bool variables p1Ready and p2Ready were set to true, and if they were set to true of course it would end considering my while-loop was set with p1Ready == false & p2Ready == false. Take this as an example to KNOW YOUR BOOLS(heuheu it's almost sounds like boobs), luckily I had a little help discovering this.
  8. Hello there boys and girls. I'm attempting to do a black jack card game. My problem at the moment is that it won't continute looping through everything, after one loop. I want it to stop looping when the two bool variables, p1Ready and p2Ready, are false(You'll understand if you take a peek at the code). What I'm thinking is that I've never changed the bool variables to false but my while-loop keeps accepting the variables as false(?). I'm not sure if it's the bool variables fault or not but something is up and I'm not sure what it is. Don't mind the comments, they are merely there to help me keep track of things. This is my code at the moment, be aware that it isn't complete yet. Any comments or thoughts is much appreciated! #include <iostream>#include <string>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>using namespace std;int main(){ srand(time(NULL)); //Variabler int const CAP = 52; int const PLAYERCAP = 2; int cards[CAP]; bool p1Ready = true, p2Ready = true; bool checkArray[CAP]; string players[PLAYERCAP]; int p1Points = 0, p2Points = 0, n, p1Wins = 0, p2Wins = 0; char choice; int counter = 0; //Sätter värderna i cards - arrayen for (int i = 0; i < 52; i = i + 4){ cards[i] = counter + 1; cards[i + 1] = counter + 1; cards[i + 2] = counter + 1; cards[i + 3] = counter + 1; counter++; } //Ger bool-arrayen checkArray "värdena" true for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++){ checkArray[i] = cards[i]; } cout << "Welcome to the cardgame Black Jack" << endl; cout << "Please, enter the name of player 1" << endl; cin >> players[0]; cout << "Please, enter the name of player 2" << endl; cin >> players[1]; do{ //Här börjar spelare ett med att välja mellan att vilja ta ett kort eller inte if (p1Ready == true){ cout << "Would you like a card, " << players[0] << "? (J/N)" << endl; cin >> choice; if (choice == 'J' || choice == 'j'){ n = rand() % 51; while (checkArray[n] == false){ n = rand() % 51; p1Points += cards[n]; cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; cout << p1Ready; } cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; p1Points += cards[n]; cout << "You now got a total of " << p1Points << " points" << endl; cout << p1Ready; } } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){ cout << players[0] << "you decided that you didn't want to play anymore, " << p1Points << " points" << endl; p1Ready = false; } //Här börjar spelare två med att välja mellan att vilja ta ett kort eller inte if (p2Ready == true){ cout << "Would you like a card, " << players[1] << "? (J/N)" << endl; cin >> choice; if (choice == 'J' || choice == 'j'){ n = rand() % 51; while (checkArray[n] == false){ n = rand() % 51; p2Points += cards[n]; cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; cout << p2Ready; } cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; p2Points += cards[n]; cout << "You now got a total of " << p1Points << " points" << endl; cout << p2Ready; } } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){ cout << players[1] << "you decided that you didn't want to play anymore, " << p2Points << " points" << endl; p2Ready = false; } } while (p2Ready == false || p1Ready == false); cout << "You decided you did not want to play anymore." << endl << endl; cout << players[0] << " you won " << p1Wins << " time(s)." << endl << endl; cout << players[1] << " you won " << p2Wins << " time(s)." << endl << endl; return 0;}
  9. Thank you for your incredibly detailed answer! You explained it very well and it was exactly what I wanted it to do. You also showed me that pseudocode is an important step in the process, next time I'll make sure not to forget making one
  10. Hello there, I got a problem which I hope you can help me with. I would like to get the lowest score and the name of the one with the lowest score(score = "total") to be written out. I think I got it but the thing is that the last "player" always gets printed out as the one with the lowest score. This is all of my code, don't mind the comments that I've made, they are just there to help me keep track of things. #include <iostream>#include <string>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>using namespace std;int main(){ srand(time(NULL)); int dice1, dice2, DiceThrow, total = 0, minTotal = 0; string name, exit, badLuckName; cout << "We will now be playing \"Bad luck with dices\" " << endl; cout << "How many throws with the dices? " << endl; cin >> DiceThrow; cout << endl; do{ cout << "Your name: "; cin >> name; if (name != "exit") { //Öppnar if total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DiceThrow; i++) {//öppnar for dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1; dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1; total += dice1 + dice2; minTotal = total; cout << "Dice thrown: " << dice1 << " " << dice2 << " = " << dice1 + dice2 << endl; }//stänger for if (minTotal <= total) { minTotal = total; badLuckName = name; } cout << "Total sum: " << total << endl << endl; }//Stänger if //Startar om/avslutar do-loopen. } while ( name != "exit"); //Kollar om man har skrivit "exit" som name och går då vidare till if-loopen if (name == "exit") { cout << badLuckName<< " got the lowest score of: " << minTotal << "!" << endl; //Skriver ut den som har lägst poäng } return 0;}any ideas? Help is HIGHLY appreciated. *EDIT* I have no idea why the code is in different colours, I used the "<> - code" copy/paste thing, guess it's supposed to be like that with it.
  11. Hello there, I could use some help for creating a batch file for my java project, and I would really appreciate any help. 3 classes exists and two of them are linked to my main file called Hangagubbe, the other two are called "Flagga" and "Gubben", those two do not have a "public void main...". I use eclipse when I code, if that have anything to do with it. I have tried making a .bat file. 1. Open notepad 2. write "java myclass" without the " 3. save as a .bat file 4. click it result: fail This is what cmd says, I have no idea on how to fix this. I have tried adding the complete pathway to java.exe but with no luck. As I said, any help is appreciated! //This was probably the wrong sub forum to post it in but I couldn't see any java section. Maybe I'm blind, if I am; could a mod please move it?
  12. -11
  13. -13
  14. +32