
problem unpacking /deobfuscating file using de4dot

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Anyone please help me i am having an issue with de4dot, I have a file name server.exe which is obfuscated with crypto .net,

when i try to unpack it or deobfuscate it by using de4dot, everything goes right till the end but I get no file saved as cleaned,

it detects the type of obfuscator is crypto, then it says cleaning the file and then says renaming all obfuscated symbols

at last it says saving the file as server-cleaned.exe. then the program says press any key to exit..

and the problem starts here even though it says saving unpacked /deobfuscated file, I get no unpacked file at the end of process,

I see nothing saved there, what is wrong i am not understanding, please help me i am noob.. :(

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Make sure that de4dot is ran as admin or try and do it by running CMD as admin and execute it manually

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On 7.3.2015 at 10:16 AM, Ocrion said:

Make sure that de4dot is ran as admin or try and do it by running CMD as admin and execute it manually

This. Propably de4dot cant write the file to your disk due to the lack of admin privs.

If not try the latest de4dot .

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