
[Release] Soapbox Rotations

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Soapbox Rotations

<Last update: 15.11.2015>





Soapbox Rotations are profiles that will cast your rotation automatically for you to maximize your DPS output. Not only have we done the work to implement the perfect rotation, but we have applied logic that will allow for the rotation to function flawlessly, being able to execute complex priority systems at the most optimal time based upon energy, mana, chi, and health of your character. Now you can focus on leading your raid, or staying out of fire while performing in the top 5% of players.
Why Soapbox Rotations?
Using a custom event engine, the Soapbox Manager Utility takes all available information about your current surroundings and character state to make the most optimal decisions, multiple times per second. Soapbox Rotations has taken an advanced method to create a utility that will enable you to allow it to automatically execute the class profile you have purchased. The rotations themselves are not just “rotations”. They function in and out of combat, and in various changing environments within encounters to constantly adapt to changing situations to sustain critical decision making past that of the mind itself. It is also very simple to set up and run, with a download and a log in you will be up and running in no time! So sit back and relax, we’ll take it from here.




Name: Soapbox RotationsVersion: - not available -Vendor's website: 

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  • Start SRManHiJackGui.exe
  • Click 'Start Monitoring'
  • Login with your Nulled.IO credentials into the SoapboxRotations-Manager
  • Start Wow under -->64bit<-- mode
  • Attach Soapbox once you're ingame
  • Enjoy

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Read the instructions!
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Says [ERROR] You do not have access to this Rotation


Fixed, restart the manager and enjoy all rotations!

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Fixed, restart the manager and enjoy all rotations!


Thank you good sir! Doing God's work!

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whats nulled credentials ?

Nulled is their website.

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Works like a charm its does 1.4k-2k more dps then me but hey that adds up, Thanks!

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Windows forces me to close Wow then crashes on me after running Soapbox for around 15+  minutes. A few users on also reporting same issue happening with even non-cracked version.

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works great.. thing is on the monk windwalker i untick expel harm at 95 percent and its still doing it. how to get it to see that i unticked it as i dont want it to do that i want to manage it myself

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Wonderful contribution, imma test later today ^^

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doesnt work for me , startup and everything is fine but ingame soapbox does nothing !? 

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Hi guys!


I have been using soapbox (retail) for a while and as of today I have experienced wow crashing when injecting or that nothing happens in game (soapbox started) in chat. 


I figured i could try this out and see if helped me out but dident - the release itself is just awesome and will be using it.


Please login or register to see this link.

- This is the error I am receiving starting wow 64 bit as admin and manger as admin :)


Best regards 

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Hi guys!


I have been using soapbox (retail) for a while and as of today I have experienced wow crashing when injecting or that nothing happens in game (soapbox started) in chat. 


I figured i could try this out and see if helped me out but dident - the release itself is just awesome and will be using it.


Please login or register to see this link.

- This is the error I am receiving starting wow 64 bit as admin and manger as admin :)


Best regards 

Quick question for you. Are you running it from the character selection screen or logging into you toon and then running it? If you are logging into your toon first, try doing it from the character selection screen... I haven't had any issues with it that way.

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