
Help starting to create hacks n so!

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Hey! I Don't even know if this is the right section to post this in but anyways. I decided to start creating hacks for black ops 2 and other call of duty games. But I'm kinda new to it.

All I'm really good at is just HTML and CSS but I really have no clue where to start learning to code Hacks for games, Aimbot wallhack etc. If someone of you guys just could help me out with this just leave a link below I would really appricate it! 


Please help me get a good start! :]

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HTML and CSS are web design languages, very unrelated,

hacking and cracking stuff on the other hand, needs some knowledge on the language of the program you're going to crack or a common language to write a hack or trainer, like C++, and I'm telling you, it needs an excessive amount of knowledge to write hacks.

You can start by learning C++ actually, good luck

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Ok. Step by step guide. If you follow these steps, in order, you will be among the top 10% of "hack programmers". Guaranteed.


1**) Go do a Computer Science degree

2) If you didn't learn it in your degree already, familiarise yourself with the gory details of C++

3) If you didn't learn it in your degree already, familiarise yourself with x86 Assembly (and if you want to even be vaguely futureproof, x64 also). This step is absolutely compulsory.

4) If you didn't learn it in your degree already, familiarise yourself with reverse engineering: deep knowledge of debuggers, disassemblers, decompilers etc. is an absolute must

5) Still with me? Good. Go make sure you know x86 assembly and C++

6*) Go read the Intel Software developer manuals

7*) If you didn't learn it in your degree already, familiarise yourself with various useful apis - Specifically things like DirectX

8*) Research and learn about various game engines - are there things which are common between them? Do different versions of the same engine use the same techniques to accomplish certain tasks? Hopefully, in your degree you took some game development classes which should help you here.

9*) Practice on old games, preferably ones that already have hacks freely available. Can you see multiple methods of accomplishing the same goal? Can you figure out why other hacks are using certain methods?

10) Practice on a current game that has a decent "hack community", for example WoW, Battlefield Latest, CoD latest, etc. 


*These steps are semi-optional - you don't necessarily have to do them, but they will help a lot.

** This step is optional only if you have lots of experience programming in a real (C Based) language. Sorry, but HTML and CSS will not get you a hack.


Yeah, it's a damn long process, and it's NOT easy at all. I don't want to sound harsh, but so many people think they want to start "coding hacks", and misjudge how difficult it actually is.

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This is a VERY VERY good "where to start".


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I´m certain that this will guide u to where u want to be...

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