
[4.3.4] Honorbuddy Auto-Relog Plugin

22 posts in this topic

Please follow the steps below carefully in order to make it work without any mistakes:

  1. Download -->>

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    <<-- for 
    4.3.4:15595 Build(Cataclysm) & Honorbuddy 4.3.4:15595 Build(Cataclysm)
  2. After extracting and placing the folder, the new folder should be found here: ​​->> ->>path://CMHonorbuddy434/Bots/HBRelog/​
  3. Start HBRelog
  4. Make sure You change the "BattleNet" to the account name in the Account Tab because it may try to update Your WoW.
  5. Happy botting!!



  • Automatically logs into wow and starts up Honorbuddy
  • Options to choose bot,profile and CustomClass
  • Buildin WoW and Honorbuddy crash detection
  • Automatically scans for offsets whenever Wow updates
  • Uses lua to login game so it can work in the background (hook is removed and overridden with original bytes before character is finished loading)
  • WoW Window re-size and placement
  • Scheduling
  • Works with character names that contain cyrillic letters
  • Works alongside with LowerPing and other similar programs.


Account Tab
Profile Name - This can be anything, preferably something relevant and easy to remember. This will be used in log files.
BattleNet - This is your battlenet email address
Account Name - This is the name of the wow account. e.g WoW1. If you only have one account attached to your Battlenet account then you can leave this blank
Password - obvious.. this is your wow password. (this is encrypted when saved locally as well as the battleNet email)
Character - this is the name of your WoW Character
Server - Name of the server/realm that your character is located on
Region - The region your Wow account is located in.
WoW Path - The path to Wow.exe. click the '...' button on the right to browse to it.

Bot Tab
Custom Class - The name of the CustomClass that you want to use e.g. Singular (optional)
Bot - The name of the bot that you want to use e.g. ProfessionBuddy (optional)
Profile Path - the path to a Honorbuddy/Professionbuddy profile that you want to use. (optional)
Honorbuddy Path - Path to your honorbuddy.exe file (it can be renamed)




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Thanks for the post!

I am not sure if I should report this here or in the bug section but I have the problem that when there is a queue for the server it detects it as disconnected and will just close wow and try again.

Basicly an infinit loop. This is what the logs spams just before it closes wow. Am I doing something wrong?

[13:50:49] brian: GlueStatus: Disconnected

[13:50:50] brian: Failed to login wow, lets restart

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Hello Skeeze,

Thank You for the feedback. As for the servers which have a queue, try to manipulate the option "Login Delay" and see how it works.




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Thanks for the plugin, it's very useful. :)

The only problem is, that it doesn't let WoW and HB run, after the logon it restarts the client:


[9:42:45] Nonameman: ********* Tasks ***********[9:42:45] Nonameman: Logon[9:42:45] Nonameman: Wait: 0 minutes[9:42:45] Nonameman: ********* End of Task list ***********[9:42:45] Nonameman: starting D:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe[9:42:50] Nonameman: Installing Endscene hook[9:42:50] Nonameman: GlueStatus: Disconnected[9:42:54] Nonameman: GlueStatus: CharacterSelection[9:42:55] Nonameman: Login sequence complete. Removing hook[9:42:59] Nonameman: starting C:\Users\Nonameman\Desktop\CMHonorbuddy434\Honorbuddy.exe[9:43:03] Nonameman:  WoW and HB startup sequence complete[9:43:04] Nonameman: Logging on different character.[9:43:04] Nonameman: Attempting to close Honorbuddy[9:43:04] Nonameman: Attempting to close Wow[9:43:04] Nonameman: starting D:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe[9:43:05] Nonameman: Successfully closed Honorbuddy[9:43:05] Nonameman: Successfully closed Wow
What's the problem with it?

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Everything works fine, just read again the settings You have set. If You can't figure out what You set, please make a detailed screenshot with all tabs and send it to me by pm.




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I have same problem as Nonameman, when trying to use BGBuddy.

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You notice the thing " Logging on the different character" ? 

You must have done something wrong to trigger it. Please check your settings carefully and try again..




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I can't get it to work. The new version for MoP opens fine (doesn't work ofcoarse but i can get it to open and even open WoW) however your release which is the one I need for 4.3.4 15595 doesn't open. When clicking the executable i get:

[6/28/2013 3:04:23 PM] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at HighVoltz.HBRelog.Settings.GlobalSettings.Load()
   at HighVoltz.HBRelog.HBRelogManager..cctor()

I'm running windows 7 x64 and have directx 9, visual 2010, and .net framework 4.0 all installed ofc.

Any ideas? Tried running as admin andvarious compatablity mode options to no avail

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I get the same error sometimes. But it runs fine so that probably isn't the problem.

I have framework 2.0/3.0/3.5 and 4.0 installed

Maybe you could try that

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Is there any way to get this to work for Molten WoW? It's 4.3.4.

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Id like to know the same, I cant get this to work at all for my HB on Molten

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Hbrelog for 4.3.4 from official repository, working on private server properly(donwload link 

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Example of profile


Exaple of settings

Check that right side of window "Tasks" is empty

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Wow thanks for this. im going to test in a few. If it works ill like this.

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well, this is public for a long time there :)

and it work flawlessly

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It's been public where? On HB site,if so yes i know but i couldn't get that one working as its for the latest HB

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I cant get it working - HBRelog will not log in into Wow 


[04:39:40] Dudu: Installing Endscene hook
[04:39:40] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301
[04:39:41] Dudu: Installing Endscene hook
[04:39:41] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301
[04:39:42] Dudu: Installing Endscene hook
[04:39:42] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301
[04:39:43] Dudu: Installing Endscene hook
[04:39:43] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301
I just get this over and over again
From the Log: 
[07/22/2015 04:43:45] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301
[07/22/2015 04:43:46] Dudu: Installing Endscene hook
[07/22/2015 04:43:46] System.Exception: ReadUInt failed.
   bei Magic.SMemory.ReadUInt(IntPtr hProcess, UInt32 dwAddress, Boolean bReverse)
   bei Magic.BlackMagic.ReadUInt(UInt32 dwAddress, Boolean bReverse)
   bei Magic.BlackMagic.ReadUInt(UInt32 dwAddress)
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.Hook.InstallHook()
[07/22/2015 04:43:46] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301
[07/22/2015 04:43:47] Dudu: Installing Endscene hook
[07/22/2015 04:43:47] System.Exception: ReadUInt failed.
   bei Magic.SMemory.ReadUInt(IntPtr hProcess, UInt32 dwAddress, Boolean bReverse)
   bei Magic.BlackMagic.ReadUInt(UInt32 dwAddress, Boolean bReverse)
   bei Magic.BlackMagic.ReadUInt(UInt32 dwAddress)
   bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.Hook.InstallHook()
[07/22/2015 04:43:47] Dudu: GlueStatus: 9460301

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please use last version of hbrelog 

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and dont use outdated plugins.

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This is the Version for 4.3.4, the new versions for Warlords of Draenor will not help D:



Edit: All Done. 


When you have the same problem: Delete in your roaming folder the "HighVoltz" folder and try again :)

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I wanted to share my insight on this debacle of it not working with Windows 10.


I have found a solution, for me anyway.


Set the compatibility of Honorbuddy AND Wow.exe to Windows 7 and Set it to run as Admin.


Then run Auth, Login to wow, then launch Honorbuddy. Works for me.

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