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Joe biden

[How to] Buddystore with CDPatcher

89 posts in this topic

actually cdpatcher not working HB closing game etc

cdpatcher works perfectly

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Hello , please help me anyone, all day trying to make hb. Always write : This is what it says: Purchase failed. You don't own a key for Honorbuddy in your buddyauth account. I made all in post 1 , 100 times but nothing. Please I can't do it. This is my auth code: -snip-. Please someone make it for me . Always cheking buddy store updates. I have last hb and cd. All well done. Please help

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Hello , please help me anyone, all day trying to make hb. Always write : This is what it says: Purchase failed. You don't own a key for Honorbuddy in your buddyauth account. I made all in post 1 , 100 times but nothing. Please I can't do it. This is my auth code: -snip-. Please someone make it for me . Always cheking buddy store updates. I have last hb and cd. All well done. Please help

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Hi, i just checked lots of profiles but cant see a single one appearing in my hb. Is that because my cdpatcher might be outdated or because i got too greedy with that?

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Hello, i need some help here.


Im trying to use some budy store profiles by folowing this steps, load profile->from buddy store but then nothing apears. Am i doidn anything wrong? thanks


Sorry for my bad eanglish, its not my native lenguage.

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Hello, i need some help here.


Im trying to use some budy store profiles by folowing this steps, load profile->from buddy store but then nothing apears. Am i doidn anything wrong? thanks


Sorry for my bad eanglish, its not my native lenguage.

It might be because you have not enabled any products in the CDStore (

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Enable some first (NOT to many!) then start HB and it will automatically download them for you.

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HBRelog doesn't work with store Profiles?


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Works now....

Edited by Buha1708

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I'm noticing 1 product just added 9-21 isn't streaming :-/


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Odd.. I unchecked PokeLevel 2.0 & checked 

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 & it still seems to be streaming PokeLevel 2.0


They're both by the same dev.. 1 old.. 1 new project.. but they both seem to be streaming the same version..

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I'm noticing 1 product just added 9-21 isn't streaming :-/


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Odd.. I unchecked PokeLevel 2.0 & checked 

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 & it still seems to be streaming PokeLevel 2.0


They're both by the same dev.. 1 old.. 1 new project.. but they both seem to be streaming the same version..




Have the same problem. And I don´t find any profiles to use with  

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ay so uhh..


with the recent store fix all the stuff claims it was released much later than it was..


sooo it's challenging to figure out which ones to enable..


any potential fix comin' for that or just haha yup sucks good luck..

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ay so uhh..


with the recent store fix all the stuff claims it was released much later than it was..


sooo it's challenging to figure out which ones to enable..


any potential fix comin' for that or just haha yup sucks good luck..

Not going to be changed, just have to wait it out for them to update the Store items again.

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stranger still..


when there's an issue & I need to disable something it has always been green or red.. everything streams or nothing streams..


now though.. some of it streams..


is something else going on ?

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Is it possible to download the xml from the cdpatcher store?

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