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4.3.4 -- hunter kite

4 posts in this topic

this is the only hunter profile i use, u will need a spider to make the most of it but even without its the only one i found that kites some what,






A Jump ?n? Shot Marksmanship CustomClass

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WoW Version supported : 4.3
Latest ZeHunter Version : 0.4

ZeHunter is a PvP CustomClass for marksmanship hunters already 85 capped who want to roxx in battlegrounds. This CC implements a wide kiting movements based on the jump and shot technique. It also implements pet skills, racial abilities, trinkets and engineering enchantments.

You can watch this CustomClass in action here: 

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This CustomClass is based on the marksmanship spec.
I recommend the following spec and glyphs for hunters (4.3.3):

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Link of this spec : 

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To use full features included in this CustomClass, you must use the spider pet. Here is the build for the pet spec :

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Link of this spec : 

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You can use the SVN link (with Tortoise) to be sure you get the latest version or use the HTTP link to download the plugin directly.
When downloaded, you just have to extract the archive in the /CustomClasses folder.

SVN : 

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An embedded update system is also implemented in the CC.

You can report bugs in this topic. Keep in mind this is a beta version, in spite of it should support BGbuddy.

I spent a plenty of time to develop and test this CC.
So it motivates me a lot if you click on the star at the bottom of this post to give +rep to this project.

You also can donate to support my work with the donate button in my signature.

Thanks to Kupidon for his beta-tests.

Hope you will enjoy it. smile.png


(Copy and pasted from --

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Nice work, but the text is kind of hard to see if you don't highlight it. :)

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