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Moderator Application [Patience]

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Moderator Application


  • Age: 24
  • Region of residence(EU, USA, Asia etc): United States
  • Language skills(Do you speak english good?): English (Main) & Italian (Very Good)
  • Moderator experience(Have you moderated on other sites?): Several different "kind" of sites. A porn site (Approx. 60,000 users; 45,000 active), WoW private server sites (3), Combat arms forums (2), Counter Strike Source forums (2), few other not so notable sites.
  • Forum experience(Are you familiar with modcp on IPB, vB etc): Very experienced
  • Why should we pick you: Down to the point, why should I be chosen? I'm experience in this type of work/field. I've been part of the interweb since I was 15 so experience comes from a longg way. I know the Ps & Qs of forums (sites), never known to abusing mod/admin powers. Known to enforce the rules, following the direct orders of superiors. NOT one of those forum assholes who is UPTIGHT about the rules. I'm the "Warn you once, ignored the warning. You failed, good bye" type of moderator.
  • Any other skills worth mentioning? Graphic Design (fluent with PS,ID,AI,AE) as well, physical computer hardware/software.
  • Anything else you would like to add: Personally, through my years of inter webbing, moderation isn't a big role with forums if administrators are active. However if the administrators are inactive or on leave for a short time. Moderation suddenly becomes a big role but a big role with maturity needed. Would you give a kid the ability to ban someone who calls himself a name? I rather give it to a monkey because typically a monkey will look at you and laugh. Being a moderator, can't make everyone happy like the field of work I work in. Can't make everyone happy but if you get the job done and correctly. Those who are unhappy will soon blow over that feeling and move on. Being a moderator does take a special ability of handing "constructive criticism." Meaning if your superior comes down on you. (Which I saw a lot.. moderator goes ape shit and does crazy, idiotic things.) You look at it as "how can I better myself attitude.." That's if you're serious into what you're doing via web. Some more less likely aren't going to think like me, hence why there is only one "me." Why I mentioned earlier in "Anything else you would like to add:" Maturity is a big part of this title because if you don't got it and aren't cut for moderation position(s). Not going to work out too well.





Good luck to the others whom applied or are going to apply!

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