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D3 keys?

8 posts in this topic

Hi guys so im looking for a D3 key, the cheapest place to buy one or wondering is there a place to get one for WoW Gold or anything, really need one! please!

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I'll have a look not sure where to look though, should i open a thread? DUnno D:

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I bought mine of - Cheapest price I could find around that I know is legit.

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I bought mine of - Cheapest price I could find around that I know is legit.

For how much?

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Some people say offgamers have scammed them on products, some say it's an excellent seller.

Just something to have in mind before buying from them.

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I would say Offgamers is trusted. Bought stuff from their website a hundred times.

I'm actually trying to do the opposite, trade Diablo gold for a MoP key! :D

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I think you can trade with players at offgamers as well?

thats were the key probably come from...

I recommend:

do not buy any bossland products from any third person.

that never works, they can just request a new key and whatever

they have that regularly at ownedcore with HB keys. its a scam thing

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