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About adamlad

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    Advanced Member
  1. Ah got it thanks alot man for the help, still attacking green mobs in dwarf starting area at level 9 ;z
  2. I see the autoequip plugin but cant right click or see any configure button
  3. Oh sweet, okay thanks alot man well i guess ill just let this paladin run then what about gear etc?
  4. Oh right i get you, and okay ill check pirox out after i get 60 but for now where can i find the grinding profile? Sorry for so many questions just seems so different to the HB im used to on retail Edit : running the 1-60 profile that i used for questing but set to grinding, do i need to move it areas when it out levels or how does that work?
  5. Do i need custom classes or what? I dont remember this old version of HB It just seems to get stuck on certain quests and stands there for like 40 mins unless i manually move it, do i manually have to do some quests if it gets stuck?
  6. How do i use these 1-60 profiles? ;\ i only got the premade xml files like alliance 1-5 I need an alliance 1-60 but i dont get it, please help I need a profile for a dwarf pala, also do they auto learn spells or what? :|
  7. Is there any way to run 2 instances of hearthcrawler on 2 seperate Battlenet hearthstone clients?
  8. Getting Download error on r28 version D:
  9. Dude please learn to read posts above yours, auth is down be patient -.- its a free bot be thankful your probally making money off this and its free
  10. I dont understand whats going on? My HB is working etc why is there a "test release" and people waiting for a new version?
  11. Please reply to my last post anyone curious if you buy d3 keys with wow gold when it says 89k
  12. When it says the D3 key is 89k is that wow gold? Hoping to buy alot from you soon just curious