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PQR 3.3.5 Low Ranked Spells not working at all.

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Last night, I had added spells to the Druid PQR Profile to match lower levels. For reasons I cannot figure out, they will not work. If someone can give me some help, that would be appreciated. 

I will link the profiles with the lower ranked spells included. Also included is a basic Feral Tank Rotation that works at max level.

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I had no idea you could set the Spell ID to 0 and it would work. I will try this later today and get back to you

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Unfortunately, the Claw spell still won't execute at all. There's no reason why it shouldn't and I really wish I could find an answer for this.

This especially doesn't make any sense at all considering I can get the Bear Form spells to work no matter what rank they are.

UPDATE: On the other hand, Rip actually works at low levels, and other spells might as well. Maybe there's a problem with Claw, I dunno...

UPDATE2: So I used a different code with Claw this time, and here it is. Now I need to figure out how to implement the NotBehindTarget script and have it work.


UPDATE3: Added some more coding to it. Still cannot get it to work with the PQRNotBehindTarget() coding, however.

"if GetComboPoints("player")<5
and UnitPower("player")>=45
then CastSpellByName("Claw") end"

UPDATE4: How did I not see this!? In order for this code to work at all, Shred has to be in the same rotation WITH Claw. However, it won't work if Shred is not yet learned.

"if GetComboPoints("player")<5
and UnitPower("player")>=45
and PQR_NotBehindTarget()
then CastSpellByName("Claw") end"


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You should still add "return true" after the Cast API to avoid the rotation casting 2 spells simultaneously. Set the spell to 0 in PQR.


if API1 then
	CastSpellByName("Spell name one","target")
    --warning no return value!
 if API2 then
 	CastSpellByName("Spell name two","target")
 -- if API1 and API2 are both true, PQR will try to cast spell 1 and spell 2 at the same time!
 -- time to fix
 if API1 then
	CastSpellByName("Spell name one","target")
    return true -- PQR will return true if API1 is true and will return to the start
 if API2 then
 	CastSpellByName("Spell name two","target")
    return true
 -- example of a non-return value with a return value
 if API1 then
 	if API2 then
    	UseInventoryItem(13) -- use trinket, both API1 and API2 must be true
    CastSpellByName("Spell name three","target") -- only API1 needs to be true
 -- example to SKIP a spell in PQR
 if IsMounted() then -- if the player is mounted
	return false -- this will skip the spell and go to the next spell on the list
	CastSpellByName("Spell name four","focus") -- we can cast at a focus target too


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