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Fishing Bot for Legion

4 posts in this topic

Are there any good fishing bots out for wow legion atm?

looking forward to farm the artifact rod.

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1 hour ago, dasdasdas0815 said:

Are there any good fishing bots out for wow legion atm?

looking forward to farm the artifact rod.

I don't think you've looked that hard.. there are many

Don't do it.. don't say yeah bro.. I have.. I'm even looking now not finding anything :-P

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16 hours ago, jaladhjin said:

I don't think you've looked that hard.. there are many

Don't do it.. don't say yeah bro.. I have.. I'm even looking now not finding anything :-P

tbh i did look for it but wasnt pleased by what i found there, im looking for a fishing bot only, not multi tools with farming etc.

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Quick google search brought up these two:

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I have absolutely NO experience with either of these so I cannot provide any information on performance.

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