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Zygor Guides Addon (Pre-Legion Patch)

38 posts in this topic

Hey guys, I did download this older version and It does work... kinda.  Seems like some of the guides don't work.  The biggest one for me is the Draenor Dailies... in this version of the Guide that part doesn't work at all... won't even load.  Anyone else having such a problem?  If so can it be repaired or should I just wait till the newest version?

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I keep downloading file and putting it into my addons folder but it doesn't show the zygor tool when I load WoW but when I hover over my options button in game it shows that zygor is running any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Updated Again Check First Post :)

Also:  If you are having ANY problems with the newest one i just linked in first post... i recommend you completely delete the old zygor guides and install this one completely fresh in your addons folder :)

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@JackLW hmm not really sure i see 48 people already downloaded it.  Not sure what to tell ya :(

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Thanks for uploading it. I always loved Zygors Guide since the beginning of my journey in WoW(TBC i guess)

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Thank you so much for sharing that 'hard to find' last version with us!

Unique place with lastest version!!!

Thanks again Synastella!! You rock, dude!

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