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Selling 10x Copies of my Private CS:GO External Hack (VAC & FACEIT Undetected)

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I'm looking to sell 10 copy's of me and my friends private external CS:GO cheat. It's currently VAC and Faceit undetected.

Current Features:

- Perfect Bunny-hop
- Glow ESP (Customize-able)
- Sound ESP (Customize-able)
- Radar (In-game, no windowed required)
- Trigger-bot (Various settings like delay and burst)
- Recoil Control System (Can change amount)
- Auto-pistol (Can set delay)
- Aimbot (Not currently in, as still flushing bugs, will be expected in the next few days)
- No-Flash
- Custom Weapon Configs (All Weapons / Can change mid-game using reload key)
- Login system with serial ID and automatic updates
- LIFETIME access


Pictures: (All in-game pictures taken in FULLSCREEN)

Login System (Auto-Updates, no re-download required):

Please login or register to see this link.

ESP + Radar In fullscreen (You can tell because of brightness & You can see people on radar that aren't spotted):

Please login or register to see this link.

Configs: (Settings)

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  (Example of weapon config)

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(All weapons + Settings in same config file) 

Please login or register to see this link.


Only looking to sell for cs:go skins. Post offers in comments.
You can contact me through this website and it's comments or skype (James.Saunders.M8)
Can supply staff with a 1 day trial of the cheat to show that it actually exists and is working.


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I am not claiming to know if what i am about to say is true or not but from what I know  - Radar (In-game, no windowed required)  seems like bull shit when you said its  external CS:GO cheat.  when you say its external doesn't that mean it doesn't hook into the game but if it doesn't hook into the game how can you make a radar in game without hooking to the game itself that way, this just seems a lil but confusing to me or maybe im right and its bs. Please explain


full screen windowed /windowed is the only way to make a radar externally without injecting into cs which would make it no longer an external cheat correct me if i am wrong

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Edited post adding pictures of Loader, ESP/Radar take in Fullscreen Mode and Config file.

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1 hour ago, SleekJoeAU said:

I am not claiming to know if what i am about to say is true or not but from what I know  - Radar (In-game, no windowed required)  seems like bull shit when you said its  external CS:GO cheat.  when you say its external doesn't that mean it doesn't hook into the game but if it doesn't hook into the game how can you make a radar in game without hooking to the game itself that way, this just seems a lil but confusing to me or maybe im right and its bs. Please explain


full screen windowed /windowed is the only way to make a radar externally without injecting into cs which would make it no longer an external cheat correct me if i am wrong

I just added pictures showing the Radar/ESP in Fullscreen mode (Brightness is at 1.66 in-game and can only be changed in fullscreen mode).

They both use assets inside the game, the ESP uses the x-ray from CS and Radar uses the in-game Map Radar and draws enemy players as red dots, while not affecting team-mate colours.

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3 hours ago, SleekJoeAU said:

I am not claiming to know if what i am about to say is true or not but from what I know  - Radar (In-game, no windowed required)  seems like bull shit when you said its  external CS:GO cheat.  when you say its external doesn't that mean it doesn't hook into the game but if it doesn't hook into the game how can you make a radar in game without hooking to the game itself that way, this just seems a lil but confusing to me or maybe im right and its bs. Please explain


full screen windowed /windowed is the only way to make a radar externally without injecting into cs which would make it no longer an external cheat correct me if i am wrong

You are very wrong, it's external you still have access to Write to memory. Like you do when you set ViewAngels.

        public void SetViewAngles(Vector3 viewAngles)
            Memory.Write((IntPtr) (Smurf.ClientState + Offsets.ClientState.ViewAngles), viewAngles);

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Theres no such thing as perfect bunny hop on an external hack...

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is this the hack that gets everyone banned after 1 day.



Kotaku just wrote about something like that

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1 hour ago, darkblade210 said:

is this the hack that gets everyone banned after 1 day.



Kotaku just wrote about something like that

You can get more or less perfect bhop if you dedicate a own Thread to the bhop.

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This is a private hack. It's FACEIT and VAC undetected.

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12 hours ago, meepzlol said:

Theres no such thing as perfect bunny hop on an external hack...

Wrong, you can.

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8 hours ago, BroderCarlsson said:

You can get more or less perfect bhop if you dedicate a own Thread to the bhop.


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Added skype. Feel free to contact me with any offers/questions.

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Can someone confirm this to be undetected (Faceit and MM) also what kinda money are you thinking atm..? And please be realistic.

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Interested. How much are we talking about here?

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