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About judge2020

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  1. I am vip and still no update cant use 254 because old version
  2. banwave

    I'm still alive, Probably because I still never run bot other than ~10P -8A, which may look to blizzard like a guy who regularly plays HS and sleeps during the day,
  3. Mine's working for build 249 :/
  4. The instructions there aren't really clear for Hearthbuddy, so the way to do it for HB: http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetSpecific?filter=Hearthbuddy&build=BUILDNUMBER so the currently supported build would be http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetSpecific?filter=Hearthbuddy&build=249
  5. Most AV's will go off on programs that create logs and slow them down, whitelist hearthstone and hearthbuddy and see if that works.
  6. Working, thanks!
  7. By the way anyone reading, DO NOT install 2 or more of the anti-viruses. In the end the AV's fight over eachother and it doesn't work as well.
  8. Hey, @Suspense do donators have access to the new version? i'm thinking of donating if this is available, otherwise I still might donate since I hear the VIP server is pretty good.
  9. typing version number 0.3.1181.249 does not show invalid version number. Now we just wait.
  10. A new CDpatcher and version of HearthBuddy has been released:
  11. If this is something that a VIP gets i would be happy to finally sign up, but currently the HB doesn't do too well with the card and it is vital since my early game is pretty bad with this deck.
  12. Recently I got the LoE for my bot account but a problem with it is that it'll play Reno Jackson like it is a regular 4,6 minion not acknowledging that it is a full heal. How would I fix this in terms of just playing it at >=15 health? (I am not worried about getting it to recognize that there are 1 of each card in the deck because I set up a deck without duplicates.)