
[Cracked] WRobot - For WoD, All in One, leveling, gathering, archaeo... with free rotation bot

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WRobot - Bot for Wow
Ready for WoD





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Easy to use with free features:

Looking to optimize your time? Have too busy of a schedule to play but don't want to abandon WoW? Then WRobot is for you. Featuring an intuitive user interface for even the most novice user, WRobot is the ideal software to help you achieve your goals and objectives in the game. A trial version (limited at 15 minutes) is available, after that you can simply relaunch WRobot and use it again for another 15 minutes. The products WRotation and Party are 100% free (no time limit).

WRobot has all the features that any modern bot needs to have. It's advanced artificial intelligence closely mimics a humans behavior. The objective of WRobot is to not upset the balance of the game, but to help you play your way even with a busy schedule. With WRobot you can gather mining and herbing nodes, do quests, battlegrounds, pet battles, fishing, archaeology, and many other features that allow you to progress in all aspects of the game. It is also optimized to use the least amount of memory and CPU, so it can run on nearly any computer.

And more:
WRobot has a friendly and active community on it's forums. WRobot is quickly updated after a WoW patch (for the WoD pre-patch, WRobot was updated before the WoW realm was online). Generally it is updated within 1 or 2 hours after a patch is implemented. WRobot also features a full API (in .net) to make your own products with full access to the information that is contained in WoWs memory. A lot of time and effort has been put into keeping the bot safe to use in order to avoid being detected and banned. (Warning, All botting contains some risk).


WRobot features

What you can do with WRobot

Quester and Grinder bot: Level your characters. Grind, skin and loot mobs.
Gatherer: Gather minerals, timber, herbs, and loot chests.
Battlegrounder: Earn honor points using this bot in PVP battlegrounds including a queueing system.
Automaton:Botting without a profile. WRobot finds a path for you and will gather, earn you experience, and even pet battle.
Schedule: Even when you are away this bot can be scheduled to use it's products. You can schedule multiple products and durations. It even features a relogger and can automatically stop.
Archaeologist: An advanced Archaeology bot is included.
Pets battles:Quickly grind and level your pets.
Fisher:Advanced fishing is including that includes school or pool fishing.
Party: Assist the group leader to fight mobs or heal.
Auction bot: You tell the Auction Bot what you want to sell or buy in a set price range..
WRotation: An advanced and easily configurable rotation bot. (100% free product).
Profiles and Fight classes editor: An innovative way to create quest profiles and fight classes. Featuring a GUI interface (no need to modify any code). Intuitive maps and 3D radar display live your recorded paths.
And... Other small features to assist you in WoW. Including 3D and 2D radar, tracker, remote access, automatic smelting, prospecting, milling and automatic mailing of items when bags are full, ...


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1. Download my WRBot pack

2. Run Updater.exe and get the latest version of WRbot installed

3. Copy cracked authManager.dll to the Bin directory

4. Run WRBot and enter any license key

5. Say no to any updates

6. Enjoy! 


Please read the WRBot forums for instructions and profiles.

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This thread deserves 1M likes ;) Thanks, m8!

Works for latest WoW only doe ;<

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Nice release but can u make it work with all wod versions 

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all you private server people should look for more dedicated private server sites :-P

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On 12/2/2015 at 2:09 AM, Exclusive said:

3. Copy cracked authManager.dll to the Bin directory

This should theoreticially work with every recently released version until they intentionally or unintentionally fix it ?

Tyvm :-D

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Tried with pandawow (5.4.8) and not working. When running WRobot nothing happens.

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12 minutes ago, tiesto123 said:

Tried with pandawow (5.4.8) and not working. When running WRobot nothing happens.

This is only for latest version its not working for old ones

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When I press start bot - WoW window closes, bot starts, but obviously there is nothing to bot, cause game is off.

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yeah it dont work anymore...the Bot just quits after login...no Error Message

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21 minutes ago, Mithras said:

yeah it dont work anymore...the Bot just quits after login...no Error Message

Crack is outdated


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Ill have a look guys, thanks for commenting, it's hard for me as I dont play or own WOW :P

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Can you guys try this 

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On 11/1/2016 at 11:49 AM, Exclusive said:

Can you guys try this 

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Thanks for the the update man, but now a "a.txt" message shows up saying : "please don't use a cracked version..." and bot is closed

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Can somebody upload a zipped version updated for 6.2.3 20779 build?  Wanna try it on a private server.

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17 hours ago, Redconredcon said:

Thanks for the the update man, but now a "a.txt" message shows up saying : "please don't use a cracked version..." and bot is closed

I get the same problem, I tried using ILSpy to fix this but i can't quite figure out where it closes the bot.

I could find only a single location in authmanager.dll where it closes the bot but i doubt that's the source.

Anyhow, any help on fixing this would be appreciated

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It does not work again. It runs a few seconds. Then it closes and opens the notepad with the words "Please do not use cracked version ..."

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