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HazzPaladin crashing the HB

3 posts in this topic

Hi. So everytime I choose hazzpaladin CR from Store it instantly crashes HB. There's some kind of error popping up, but it closes itself so fast i can't take SS. I upload the log instead.

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E: Managed to take SS 

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Disable all content on cdstore, go to C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Local\Bossland and remove the store file(lots of numbers file)


Re-enable the CR, and try again

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Disable all content on cdstore, go to C:\Users\USRNAME\AppData\Local\Bossland and remove the store file(lots of numbers file)


Re-enable the CR, and try again


The same error occurs. I disabled all content on cdstore -> launched clean hb -> deleted store file in \Bossland -> relaunched clean hb -> enabled only the CR in CDStore -> relaunched HB.

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