Dunno where to post it, but wanted to contribute - there's problem with WD not casting Zombie Bears with Russ of Essence (Spirrit Barrage + Well of Souls). You have to comment out the part in trinity : /* // Spirit Barrage Manitou if (!UseOOCBuff && CombatBase.CanCast(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage) && Player.PrimaryResource >= 100 && TimeSinceUse(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage) > 18000 && hasManitou) { return new TrinityPower(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage, 0f, Vector3.Zero, CurrentWorldDynamicId, -1, 2, 2, WAIT_FOR_ANIM); } // Regular spirit barage if (!UseOOCBuff && CombatBase.CanCast(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage) && Player.PrimaryResource >= 100 && !hasManitou) { return new TrinityPower(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage, 12f, CurrentTarget.ACDGuid); }*/ And later change Mana values for it to not run OOM This is what works for me : // Spirit Barrage + Rush of Essence if (!UseOOCBuff && !IsCurrentlyAvoiding && !Player.IsIncapacitated && CombatBase.CanCast(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage) && Player.PrimaryResource < 290 && hasRushOfEssence && Player.PrimaryResourcePct <= 0.35 && !hasManitou) { if (hasWellOfSouls) return new TrinityPower(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage, 2, 2); return new TrinityPower(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage, 21f, Vector3.Zero, -1, CurrentTarget.ACDGuid, 2, 2, WAIT_FOR_ANIM); } // Zombie Charger backup if (!UseOOCBuff && !IsCurrentlyAvoiding && !Player.IsIncapacitated && CombatBase.CanCast(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_ZombieCharger) && Player.PrimaryResource >= 290) { return new TrinityPower(SNOPower.Witchdoctor_ZombieCharger, zombieChargerRange, CurrentTarget.Position, CurrentWorldDynamicId, -1, 0, 0, WAIT_FOR_ANIM); } I know it is not a trinity topic, but don't know where to post. People are still pointless on DB forums, as trinity developer seems to not give a damn bout WDs. Happy "playing"