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Keybindings, Pro!

7 posts in this topic

World Of Warcraft
Keybindings, Pro!

Version 0.2



If you already have your own set of keybindings that you work good with, there is no need to make a huge change of them. Read this:

There are 2 Main things to this setup.

  • The first thing, is the movement buttons. When you go from "WASD" to "SDF", you will realize that "F" usually has a little lumb on it. This will help you navigate your hand around the keyboard without looking at it.
  • The second thing, is that you unlock some extra buttons at the keyboard which normally doesn't get used much. But when their played in action, it will deliver extremely fast gameplay; A,Z and \. Also W, Y and the buttons beneath steering; X,C,V,B.


If you have no keybindings or few, Read this:

Make sure to split your spells up into a few Categories, and placed them on the keyboard in that order. Read This:

  • Offense                       ActionButton1-5.
  • Burst                           Q, W, A.
  • Defense                       \, Z, X.
  • Crowd Controls             E, R, T + mousebuttons.                                                                     (Read Keep it simple, stoopid 1)
  • Special abilities            ½, G. (Charge, stealth, blink, deathgrip etc.)
  • Modify buttons             Shift/Ctrl/Alt.                                                                                       (Read Keep it simple Stoopid 2)

CVB & Y are pretty hard to use effective, it takes a lot of practice. So either use it for spells u don't use very often or spells based on specific situation like Defense or burst, or similar spells u usually use together.


Keep It Simple, Stoopid !!

  • My priest's silence, Shamans windshear, DK strangulate, Warrior(old) Pummel, Druid Solarbeam. Are all on My mousebutton 4. Then They all have their 2nd stun/interupt/slow on mousebutton 5, say Cyclone, deepfreeze, etc. Then AoE Stun/fear on E, Slow/AoE slow on R and T.
  • My Priest have 

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     on the button \, then 

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     on the keybinding Shift + \. So those spells that are very much alike can be kept together, without wrecking your hand  :)



If you noticed: Correct, there is no button for moving backwards. Be honest with yourself, how much backwards do you walk? -And when you do, could it be faster using the mouse and/or strafe out of it?

Learn it, Love it.
-And it will do you good!

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I would like hear both good and bad things:

Review. If you have tried setting it up and use it. What did you think.
Thread. How was the explanations, layout etc.

Anything else on your mind? :)

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this seems pretty nice, thank you

Your welcome :)

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Great guide for people that dont have their own keybinds yet and still use the default stuff,


Me however, im too used to the keybinds i have to change anything really, will take me weeks to get used to it :P

what i could add though is that its good to classify your skills


might seem vague when i say it like this, but ill explain,

for instance, on my priest, i have my silence on my G key, however, i also play my dk, shaman, and druid alot, so..

on my dk, i have mind freeze on G, on my shaman, wind shear on G, druid, solarbeam on G,


you get the idea,

i can play multiple classes without having to get used to the different keybinds, if i want to interrupt a cast, i press G, regardless of what character i play, i would not have to give it a thought, because G is the key for a cast interrupt

this allows me to quickly switch characters and play it without having to get used to playing an entirely different character



this idea can go for pretty much any spell, even if 1 class has alot more spells then the other, the major abilities dont change,

every class is capable of interrupting a spell, every class has a cc, every class has an offensive CD, and a defensive CD,

if for instance a class has 2 interrupts, i would put it on a similar keybind, like my dk has strangulate aswell, which i placed on shift + G,



anyway, long enough wall of text, im not going to give suggestions on what are good keybinds, mine aren't perfect, theyre just what im used to,

i do however think that what i explained would be helpful advice to those playing multiple characters, because it does make it easier to switch between them

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Thanks for Constructive reply.

for instance, on my priest, i have my silence on my G key, however, i also play my dk, shaman, and druid alot, so..
on my dk, i have mind freeze on G, on my shaman, wind shear on G, druid, solarbeam on G,
you get the idea,
i can play multiple classes without having to get used to the different keybinds, if i want to interrupt a cast, i press G, regardless of what character i play, i would not have to give it a thought, because G is the key for a cast interrupt
this allows me to quickly switch characters and play it without having to get used to playing an entirely different character

Yes. I know exactly what you mean, I'm doing the same thing.


I have already considered this, so if u start from scratch you won't run into that problem, where you have to have a different "mucle memory" build for each class. -But I haven't pointed it out very well in the thread.


Explanation: My priest's silence, Shamans windshear, DK strangulate, Warrior(old) Pummel, Druid Solarbeam. Are all on My mousebutton 4.
Then They all have their 2nd stun/interupt/slow on mousebutton 5, say Cyclone, deepfreeze, etc.
Aoe Stun/fear on E, Slow/AoE slow on R and T.



Edit: I will Update this info to the main thread as soon I have time.

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