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Exilebuddy still invalid Product key 0.1.3097.110 Help please
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Hi guys im new to this forum cause i've started to play PoE a Month ago and now im trying to benefit from Exilebuddy.
I have now tried it 5 times to get EB running and still it says my key is invalid. I carefully did it step by step how the super moderator told it should work...
1. start PoE (logged in)
2. download and start CD Patcher chose Public
3. download EB (Exilebuddy 0.1.3097.110 = i red in the changelog rename but still working)
4. rename the EB folder and the .exe to "either CDRocks, Manboobz53, Jellyneanes95 or Hourdaylime92, and cdpatcher will still attach"
5. Start EB and isert Auth. Key from your webside.
Im very thankfull for the detailed discription and explenation but it doesnt helps i my case (Antivir/firewall = off + .netfram and c++ up to date)
now i would require, but in my cas (effort etc.) I demand a solution for my case or at least an explanation please.
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