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Combat Routines in Highmaul

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I sent this message to TuanHA. He is a combat routine designer for Honorbuddy (if anyone was confused on who he was)


"Hey there Tuanha, I'm a proud owner of the special edition Monk combat routine. My raiding guild and I have been working on Highmual since the release of it and I have not been able to use the combat routine inside of the instance. It works outside of the instance and everywhere else in the World of Warcraft. Seems like once I step foot in the instance it does not work. I use the CR with Enyo, could this possibly be an issue with HB itself, Enyo, or do you believe it's the Combat Routine?"


He did not reply and has not reply. Maybe some of the fellow CodeDeception friends could help me figure out what the issue is? I can't use the combat routines with enyo when I'm raiding but outside the raid instance, and everywhere else in the World the CR & Enyo work perfectly.

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I could be wrong but i dont think TuanHA will reply to you here. Also this is the privet server section try asking someone here --

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 if they can help you. 

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