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[Download] Zygor Guides 5.0.10786 (NEWEST)

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14.11.2014 - 10:53 MediaFire(newest Version)


)Link by ZerobyDivide






Have Fun ;)

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Tusfiles, Mega... Goddamn Uploaded, ugh.

But seriously, nice job getting this done. :D

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viruz scan? please and thanks

yea... because that's hard to do on your own :P

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King <3 you, thanks




not working ingame

same for me

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Mediafire Link added


Works like a charm. thanks mate


Edit: a few errors at UiWidgets/Frame.lue:113,114

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for this, we have to wait :-) i cant fix the work of Zygor hah


but disable lua errors and it works

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updated to a 100% fixed version without errors

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***UPDATED LINK*** for *.776 version:

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This looks really good and thanks for sharing,


As I have never used any guides and I went to the owners website to check it but hardly found my information.


How do I use it? When I open the folder all I see is code and lua files but I cant get the same thingi as your picture. 


Do you guys extract it to wow addons folder or something?


Might be a retarded question but I cant find anywhere on how to install it, I'm atm at work so would have tested the theory about the addon's mapp before asking the question. 

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Install it just like any other addon.


This looks really good and thanks for sharing,


As I have never used any guides and I went to the owners website to check it but hardly found my information.


How do I use it? When I open the folder all I see is code and lua files but I cant get the same thingi as your picture. 


Do you guys extract it to wow addons folder or something?


Might be a retarded question but I cant find anywhere on how to install it, I'm atm at work so would have tested the theory about the addon's mapp before asking the question. 

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Updated to: 5.0.10786


Fix for display errors with "Show step number" option enabled.

Fixed locking/unlocking mechanism so that it doesn't reset the Model Viewer when locking.

Suggest Menu display fixed for Alliance. Westfall guide no longer improperly suggested.

Positioning changes. Corrected position when guide viewer is at the top of the screen.

Option added in Zygor Options to prevent guide messaging chat spam. You can also use /zygor quiet to (almost) completely silence the addon's chat output.

Error message spam improved with better flood protection.

Zygor AddOn will no longer interfere with Fog of War in Draenor. Working on a full reveal fix.



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for anyone looking for Version: 5.0.10798 here you go -

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changelog - 

Version: 5.0.10798


[A] Updated some garrison quests to not show if the player has not completed certain quests. Also put in a tip for quests that may not be available if they do not have professions learned.

[A] Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Draenei, Night Elf, Worgen, Death Knight, and Elwynn Forest guides updated to new format to allow for objectives under the arrow.

[H] Orc, Troll, Tauren, and Blood Elf guides updated to new format to allow for objectives under the arrow. A few sticky steps fixed.

[H] Minor updates and fixes to Tanaan Jungle and Frostfire Ridge.



"No such quest goal" message removed. Unknown goals are now just gray - some quests in WoD report their goals as you progress.

Zygor AddOn will no longer interfere with Fog of War in Blasted Lands.

Reduced route calculation speed to Medium by default for better performance.

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Strange, that last version you've put out seems to be filled with trial versions of alot of the guides for pre-MoP content (and even trial versions of newer stuff.) I've seen this across a good number of uploads of this version however - did Zygor screw something up perhaps?


For example;



vs the prior version


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