
[4.3.4] Auction House BOT

14 posts in this topic

AHBot includes:

  • Posts items to the AH
  • Cancels undercut auctions
  • Checks the mailbox when there's new mail
  • Buys cheap items from the AH
  • Deposits specific groups of items to Guild Bank / Personal Bank
  • Sends different items to multiple alts
  • Each items price customizable
  • Keeps a specific amount of gold and deposits the rest into the guild bank
  • Fully 24/7 afkable
  • Supports C.O.D mailing
  • Withdraws items from personal bank
  • Adjustable minimum amount of gold to buy from the AH

Please use the steps bellow in order to make it work successfully: 

  1. Download the

    Please login or register to see this link.

  2. Place it in the following folder:
  3. Start Your Honorbuddy with the ProfessionBuddy
  4. Load the profile
  5. Happy Botting!!

MY Edit: Redirected the update from their server in order for them not to patch up the honorbuddy. Since the honorbuddy was retrieving the retail values from their website, I had to set it up maualy. Everything works 100% as long as You are selling items that exist already. Otherwise, it will put buyouts of items at very high prices.
For any request, please use the request Section.


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how to set up this profile for buying?

without configuration bot just selling.

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It is a professionbuddy profile. I guess You will have to edit it manually.




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AHBot includes:

  • Posts items to the AH
  • Cancels undercut auctions
  • Checks the mailbox when there's new mail
  • Buys cheap items from the AH
  • Deposits specific groups of items to Guild Bank / Personal Bank
  • Sends different items to multiple alts
  • Each items price customizable
  • Keeps a specific amount of gold and deposits the rest into the guild bank
  • Fully 24/7 afkable
  • Supports C.O.D mailing
  • Withdraws items from personal bank
  • Adjustable minimum amount of gold to buy from the AH



can you explain how to make some config for this profile?

by editing manually profile file, I just see parameters for selling nor by hb bot option. There is nothing about buying, I belive you use this profile as you described so please share with us your configured file or pm me how to set it for buying. 


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Well, You need to know how to edit the code.. Let me try to explain at least one part:

<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Elemental" UseCategory="True" RunTime="_24_Hours" AmountType="Everything" ItemID="0" MinBuyout="0g5s0c" MaxBuyout="20000g0s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="10" BidPrecent="95" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

Time of the auction set : RunTime="_24_Hours" - change "24" to a desired number.

Minimum buyout: MinBuyout="0g5s0c" 

Maximum buyout: MaxBuyout="20000g0s0c"

Buyout explanation: Sells the item if its in between these numbers. If the item doesn't exist in the Ah, it will sell it for 20k for example. But if it already exists and its under 5silver, it won't sell it(if Postifbelowminbuyout is set to false, otherwise 5s..

Undercut Price : UndercutPrecent="0.0001" - Puts Your auction 0.0001% cheaper than the existing one on AH (% taken from Gold)

Bit Percent - BidPrecent="95" - Puts a bid for 95% of the price in this case.


It is recommended that you put everything You don't want to sell in Your bank in order You don't put it on the AH.

Also if any questions, let me know.




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Thanks for your replay. helped me alot but.. I want to use this profile for buying?

I know now how to set it for selling, but what about buying? I see few SellItemOnAhAction, but nothing with BuyItemOnAhAction

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Well, I forgot that I removed it since It is really unreliable setting it on private servers because it could cause mess...

I have forgotten to remove it from the features list.

Sorry for the incovenience.




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no problem. however I would like to check that feature. could you upload profile with buying or give me part of it as code, I will paste in my profile and will play with settings/parameters etc.

thanks for help

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System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.<get_SupportedTradeSkills>b__9(SkillLine skill) in c:\Users\иван\Downloads\MrFishIt_4.4.3\1\CMHonorbuddy434Reloaded\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 533

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()

   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

   at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.get_SupportedTradeSkills() in c:\Users\иван\Downloads\MrFishIt_4.4.3\1\CMHonorbuddy434Reloaded\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 535

   at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.<LoadTradeSkills>b__10(Object state) in c:\Users\иван\Downloads\MrFishIt_4.4.3\1\CMHonorbuddy434Reloaded\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 648

PB 1.463: Loading profile AHBot - Made by Deathburn.xml

Chose Singular v2 $Revision: 494 $ as your combat class!

[singular] Starting Singular v2.0.0.0

[singular] Determining talent spec.

[singular] Current spec is  Lowbie

[singular] Building method list

[singular] Added 304 methods

[singular]  Using CreateLowbiePaladinCombat for Lowbie - Combat (Priority: 0)

[singular]  Using CreateLowbiePaladinPull for Lowbie - Pull (Priority: 0)

[singular] Using default rest behavior.

PB 1.463: Checking for new version

PB 1.463: A new version was found.Downloading Update

PB 1.463: Download complete :P

[singular]  Using CreateLowbiePaladinCombatBuffs for Lowbie - CombatBuffs (Priority: 0)

[singular]  Using CreateLowbiePaladinHeal for Lowbie - Heal (Priority: 0)

[singular]  Using CreatePaladinPreCombatBuffs for Lowbie - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)

[singular]  Using CreateLowbiePaladinPreCombatBuffs for Lowbie - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)

[singular] Behaviors created!

************* Change Log ****************


Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: The type 'HighVoltz.Util' exists in both 'c:\Users\иван\AppData\Local\Bossland GmbH\Honorbuddy\\CompiledHonorbuddyAssemblies\Auto Angler 2_635448773078576210.dll' and 'c:\Users\иван\AppData\Local\Bossland GmbH\Honorbuddy\\CompiledHonorbuddyAssemblies\ProfessionBuddy_635448773096097212.dll'

Err: Unable to link action that produced Error: 'HighVoltz.Util' does not contain a definition for 'GetBankItemCount'

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This is great as long as you know your servers flux.

I sell D.M cards and prices go from Low to High between the month. But the plugin will still sell them for what it did in the first of the month to the last. In my case i Get alot more gold for a card a at the end of the month. 

When players need cards the most.

The plugin will not see that and sell for the same prices.


Is this me or anyone else ?

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Hey is this plugin still working ? Since i would like to start it as Proffesion Buddy it cant find this profile from /bot/profiles file after i paste it there 

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