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A problem with the Client while trying to USE HB

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Hello CodeDeception Forums.


My problem is , When I try to open the HB in Molten - WoW , I do everything that u've told to do , but whenever I try to start the bot the game freezes and then closes , I assume that I should change the wow.exe but i've done this and still nothing and sometimes it gets me an error "Please check your internet connection ........" which I can't fix also


Here is some screenshots.








Hope someone Could Help me.





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Sorry , That's the LOG. and it freezes after that.

Logging in...Logged into CodeDeception local serverAttached to WoW with ID 11132

And that's the Debug.

[1:19:33 PM:394] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.GetObjectName()

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