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Creating a batch file for running a java project - Help

2 posts in this topic

Hello there, I could use some help for creating a batch file for my java project, and I would really appreciate any help. 3 classes exists and two of them are linked to my main file called Hangagubbe, the other two are called "Flagga" and "Gubben", those two do not have a "public void main...". I use eclipse when I code, if that have anything to do with it.


I have tried making a .bat file.

1. Open notepad

2. write "java myclass" without the "

3. save as a .bat file

4. click it


result: fail




This is what cmd says, I have no idea on how to fix this. I have tried adding the complete pathway to java.exe but with no luck.


As I said, any help is appreciated!


//This was probably the wrong sub forum to post it in but I couldn't see any java section. Maybe I'm blind, if I am; could a mod please move it?

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You got to Compile it as a runable jar and it should be Java -jar jarname.jar

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