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Creating profiles and plugins for ExileBuddy

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Hi, I know quite a bit of C++ and have just been using Codeblocks for my development. I was looking at the development forum on the ExileBuddy website and they say something about referencing the exe in VS to get the "documentation". Now I wont be able to download Visual Studio for maybe a couple of days, so is there any way you can reference the exe through Codeblocks or another smaller sized IDE? 

Or am I not understanding something and there is another way to create profiles and plugins.for ExileBuddy, oh and I also forgot to mention Combat Routines. On the Buddy forum there isn't much to lead me in the right direction that I could find, even in the Dev forum.

I am just hoping someone here might be able to put me in the right direction. And also I put this in the C# forum because even though I know C++, I am pretty sure that I will need to transalte my knowledge of C++ to C# as I may have read on the Buddy forum.

But again, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Hey Jake,

I am a Programmer from Exilebuddy forum, I have programmed the Followbot and the CR AllRounder.

Atm there is no Profilesupport for EB, Iam currently write some lines to use it in current versions.

Plugin development is very easy if you really know about programming.

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