Hi, I know quite a bit of C++ and have just been using Codeblocks for my development. I was looking at the development forum on the ExileBuddy website and they say something about referencing the exe in VS to get the "documentation". Now I wont be able to download Visual Studio for maybe a couple of days, so is there any way you can reference the exe through Codeblocks or another smaller sized IDE? Or am I not understanding something and there is another way to create profiles and plugins.for ExileBuddy, oh and I also forgot to mention Combat Routines. On the Buddy forum there isn't much to lead me in the right direction that I could find, even in the Dev forum. I am just hoping someone here might be able to put me in the right direction. And also I put this in the C# forum because even though I know C++, I am pretty sure that I will need to transalte my knowledge of C++ to C# as I may have read on the Buddy forum. But again, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.