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Moderator applications are currently CLOSED



Dear Users of CM,

We have now opened for Moderator applications. Anyone is welcome to post their applications in our "Moderator Applications" section. 

Our staff will review the Moderator applications, and once we are satisfied with the applicants, we will make a public post with the staff picks, and you, the community will be able to vote on your favorite applicant. Once we have gathered community feedback on the applicants, we will pick our Moderators. 


Without further ado, head to this application forum 

Please login or register to see this link.

 and post your application, how you want your application to look is completely up to you, however, please include the following information:


  • Age

  • Region of residence(EU, USA, Asia etc)

  • Language skills(Do you speak english good?)

  • Moderator experience(Have you moderated on other sites?)

  • Forum experience(Are you familiar with modcp on IPB, vB etc)

  • Why should we pick you

  • Any other skills worth mentioning?

  • Anything else you would like to add

Good luck to all applicants!

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The irony of "Language skills(Do you speak english good?)" It should be: Do you speak English well?

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Sorry to post here suspense, But I was unable to post a new topic into the forums, So I have sent you a PM with my application. If enabled, I will gladly move it to the sub forum for review.

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Sorry to post here suspense, But I was unable to post a new topic into the forums, So I have sent you a PM with my application. If enabled, I will gladly move it to the sub forum for review.

As far as I am aware Mod applications is closed at the moment.

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