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PQR 3.3.5 Interrupt Spells LUA. Having some trouble.

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Last night, I was working on a modified LUA of an interrupt (Such as Maim) to only interrupt certain spells. Here's the LUA.

local Spell,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = UnitCastingInfo("target")
if Spell == ("Lesser Healing Wave") 
or Spell == ("Holy Light") 
or Spell == ("Flash of Light") 
or Spell == ("Nourish") 
or Spell == ("Healing Touch") 
or Spell == ("Regrowth") 
or Spell == ("Flash Heal")
or Spell == ("Greater Heal")
or Spell == ("Healing Wave")
or Spell == ("Chain Heal")
or Spell == ("Penance")
or Spell == ("Chaos Bolt")
or Spell == ("Improved Fear")
or Spell == ("Vampiric Touch")
or Spell == ("Lava Burst")
and GetComboPoints("player", "target") < 1
then StopSpellCasting()
return true end

It doesn't seem to be working. Any way to correct this?

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Never mind, got it to work. Added two PQR abilities to get it to work. If anyone wants it, I can post here.

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