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PokemonGo Softban Unbanner

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you can download this awesome tool to unbann your softbann! it works like a charm! 

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Had a look inside of it, seems like it basically moves to a nearby pokestop, tries to spin it, if you are softbanned, it wouldnt give you exp, if so, it'll walk around at a human-like speed away from the pokestop, then back, try to spin it again, until you get exp and thus are unbanned, then moves back to the starting position

no idea if this is how you can remove the softban, but it seems to be how it works..

didnt find anything unusual so it should be safe to use, except that the settings file rickrolled me.. :facepalm:

 public const string DEAR_READER = "Never gonna give you up.";

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It unbanns you because the ban time expire not because it has anything to do with the ban itself lol.

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tested. This tool won't unban me. so i have to wait until the softbann timer expires.

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it works fine....! A successful unban is not guaranteed due to the nature of the exploit.  

first, open the user.xml and enter the same coordinates and which auth type you have save it and run quickspin.exe!!! 100% work! i have tested by myself! 

AND IMPORTANT: you must restart pokemon go! 

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14 minutes ago, Tempritscher said:

tested. This tool won't unban me. so i have to wait until the softbann timer expires.

Could you explain me in detail how you have done that

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I use the latest Version of the Bot from maclone now.

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it has the same feature

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