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About kellerbier

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  1. so i become this message. I think Niantic has fixed the Connection. "Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed"
  2. in the user.xml you must change your login data. right click on user.xml -> open with notepad =)
  3. this is really awesome but pls add magic egg =)))
  4. ahh nice! yeah thats it but i have the some problem and i have 223 pokeballs
  5. you can check if your account was soft banned. Start your app from any device and try to catch some pokemons or buy something from the store. if it works you are not soft banned and the code are buggy or i dont know what is happening
  6. you can avoid the ban if you are using nearby locations. your hometown or something else
  7. yeah thats a soft ban! you shall wait for a few hours. the ban could be 5 minutes or 4 hours.
  8. thank you <3
  9. cdpatcher works fine for me! Delete your key in the login screen from hb and copy the key from the page again and try it
  10. sure! look at this: you can choose everything what you want ! are you from germany?
  11. yes i use the german cracked version! i m gonna do that for a longe time!
  12. make a new installation of HB, try to disable all store products, restart your pc or make a ram reset
  13. Nice tits ;D hahaha

    1. kellerbier

      true story ^^ 

  14. try public ^^
  15. make a fresh installation, try to run buddywizard with admin rights, make a reboot! Use Public Auth for login!