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Driver Easy - How To Crack Tutorial

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as i really wanted to use this software but got slowed down to hell with its Free Version download speed limit.

So i did some research and cracked it for my own purposes.. well here is what ive done.


1. The target is the DriverEasy Core dll lib inside the installation folder. The assembly is protected with DotFuscator or some other obfuscator i dont remember.

You can easily fire up DnSpy and load it into it. The obfuscation is not that hard to understand.

2. Use DnSpy to decompile the Class inside the dll called "EasyWare.Driver.Core.Register"

3. Inside the class is a get set function for a string called "Key" . you can find it directly in the License subclass.

4. This is the get set function :

public string Key
    // Token: 0x06000349 RID: 841 RVA: 0x00015C73 File Offset: 0x00013E73
        return this.b;
    // Token: 0x0600034A RID: 842 RVA: 0x00015C7B File Offset: 0x00013E7B
        this.b = value;


There in the get i edited the IL Code to just return a string that holds my personal key string.

Here is how the get looked before (original)

This is how i assembled it .

This will result in : 


public string Key
    // Token: 0x06000349 RID: 841 RVA: 0x00015C73 File Offset: 0x00013E73
        return "sandaasu lel";
    // Token: 0x0600034A RID: 842 RVA: 0x00015C7B File Offset: 0x00013E7B
        this.b = value;

You have to delete the IL Instruction above to get rid of the "this;".

Next thing to do is in the bool "Valid" :


public bool Valid
    // Token: 0x0600034C RID: 844 RVA: 0x00015CD4 File Offset: 0x00013ED4
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("Please read below text before you change the code:");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("We are appreciate your work, you are the HERO let more user enjoy the advance features,");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("however due to the very expensive bandwidth cost,");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("we still need to selling our service in order to cover the server fee,");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("otherwise we may need to shutdown our business.");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("So we just change the \"Professional Vx.xx.x\" to \"Professional (Speed Limited) Vx.xx.x\", without other limitiation,");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("please do not remove this remind, otherwise there is another encryption & decryption war.");
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("We are more prefer to invest more manpower to improve our product, instead of encryption. Thanks a lot.");
        return this.c;
    // Token: 0x0600034D RID: 845 RVA: 0x00015D71 File Offset: 0x00013F71
        this.c = value;


Just use the IL Editor agin to assemble the code to : 



public bool Valid
    // Token: 0x06000356 RID: 854 RVA: 0x00015F3C File Offset: 0x0001413C
        return true;
    // Token: 0x06000357 RID: 855 RVA: 0x00015FD9 File Offset: 0x000141D9
        this.c = value;


This will return a simple TRUE to the software when it asks the lib if the license is valid .

The license.dat is located at your AppData Roaming folder. Subfolder EasyWare.

The last step is to save the modified / patched .DLL.

Just use DnSpy's menustrip File-> Save Module Dialogue for that. Paste your cracked dll in the installation folder and you have unlimited PRO usage.

Hope this was helpfull

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2 hours ago, Techniker said:

i think i don't know how to edit it with dnspy

You can use 

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for that task.

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Cracked but not finished, reason is ?! 


1) Install Driver Easy Normal
2) Copy Paste the Cracked DLL into install folder "C:\Program Files\Easeware\DriverEasy"
3) Set your License Key

If it dosn't work use the licensefile and copy it to "C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Easeware\DriverEasy"

Eynjoy and have fun!

Cracked by Techniker aka Cloudflare 2016


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On 28.9.2016 at 7:21 PM, Techniker said:

Cracked but not finished, reason is ?! 


reason was time and lazyness i guess. Heres a quick info what needs to get patched to get also new versions working : 

- Easyware.Driver.Core.Register
-> CertifyResult
-> Remaining Day
--> IL Edit insert new IL Code above existing code with
ildc.i4 999

- Easyware.Driver.Core.Register
-> License
-> Key
--> Edit / change all IL code to

ldstr "cracker name goes here"

- Easyware.Driver.Core.Register
-> License
-> Valid
--> Add on top of IL code


Save Module
Crack done



Im glad you managed to get your crack done :) But you missed to bypass the download speed limit right ?

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