
The Elder Scrolls Online "All-kind-of-leveling" service

22 posts in this topic

30% discounts for any leveling during 3rd Anniversary Event!!!
The event begins on April 4, 2017 at 10:00 AM EDT, and ends on April 18, 2017, at 10:00 AM EDT - prices in table without discount, event bonus is not additive, thats why only 30% but not 50% discount

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Let me introduce my service

1. I guarantee 100% personally leveled characters with no use of bots, scripts, hacks, or exploits.
2. I am leveling on pc, na/eu and im living in EU country
3. Vpn connected to a location near you for your extra security
4. We can agree on any range of levels and services. The price here will of course be customized. We can chat about everything else you want done on your character(s) via skype

5. IM STREAMING EVERYTHING BY STEAM BROADCAST SERVICE, so you(and only you) always can watch
6. Almost any of my services including maxed alchemy and provisioning like free bonus



i will do re-spec for grind purposes. In the end you will have additional gold for re-spec again
i will sell all non-set items i found, if you want to decon them it will cost more(because it claim more time, in the end)
i may join to several popular trading guilds
all valuable items i found will belong to your account
If you havent ESO+, the price of leveling/cp orders might be higher
during grind i will feed your horse/research traits if nedeed
highly recommended do not login to your account until the order is done
its on your own risk, and in case of ban you will not be refunded

Refund: If your account while leveling will be forbidden by my mistake, i will refund the cost of leveling. And will help you to find a solution to recover your account
no refund: There is very small chance to get a ban for "account sharing", always
also if the ban is your fault, or 7 days left when ban triggered after the order is done. If you logged to the account while the order still not done - refund also impossible
if the ban happened, no matter why, i will not take any orders from you again, for safety of me and my other clients



the full list of my services with prices and other info you can found here:

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some of the prices:
i accept almost any kind of payment options
steam wallet codes, for example, etc

$67 for 1-50 levels
for champion points grind:
40 millions exp order or less________$1=150k exp
41-80 millions exp order___________$1=190k exp
81 millions exp order or more_______$1=230k exp
$0.20 per lorebook
$0.25 per skyshard
$20 for 0-50 of woodworking/blacksmithing/clothing
pvp - $1.5=10k ap
different achievements
gear hunting
Maelstrom arena

and more! Check the link above

my skype is:

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add me first and we will discuss what you need!

Cheers wink.png




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20% discounts for any leveling during Jester's Festival!!
The Jester's Festival kicks off on March 23, at 10:00am EDT and concludes on Tuesday, April 4, at 10am EDT

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30% discounts for any leveling during 3rd Anniversary Event!!!
The event begins on April 4, 2017 at 10:00 AM EDT, and ends on April 18, 2017, at 10:00 AM EDT - prices in table without discount, event bonus is not additive, thats why only 30% but not 50% discount

Please login or register to see this link.


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