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Titan and maybe Draconic language

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So after mercenary mode came out, I've been getting on and off the language Titan, how ever I haven't been able to replicate it on another character but I can replicated when ever I do it on my main that it first appeared on. This might be Alliance and Night Elf only but I'm not sure as Horde almost never have merc up.

1) Speak to the Battleground Recruiter and get the Mercenary mode buff.
2) Queue up for a random BG.
3) Leave the BG (don't know if you get it if you finish it)
4) ????
5) Language should be learned now.

As I mentioned above, I don't know why I can't replicate it on other characters then this. Would love to hear if anyone else can replicate it.
The language does disappear after you relog though, however one of my friends has gotten Draconic from this and she has had it ever since.





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