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[4.3.X] LogMeOut! - A World of Warcraft disconnecter !

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LogMeOut! Ver.1.1.2 (for WoW 4.3.X)

A World of Warcraft disconnecter !



LogMeOut! is a plugin for HonorBuddy that stops WoW for you ! Its shutdown process is based on several triggers and you have the possibility to add actions before and after the log out. All the interactions with WoW are automatically logged into the Log console.


I removed the updater system as the plugin is initially made for retail version.



  • Triggers : Shut down WoW when a/some trigger(s) fire(s)

    Bags full : Useful when you are using another bot than GB2 and collect items
    Time elapsed : A simple timer (an extra window can be opened to show the remaining time)
    Number of death : Show the name of the attacker(s) and the position of the bot when he dies
    Number of consecutive stucks : Useful when HB cannot get unstuck
    Spend some minutes in combat : Useful to avoid evade mobs or buggy places
    Number of mobs killed
    Number of whispes received : For paranoid people like me =)
    Reach some pve/pvp points : Awesome when you are using the pvp/bg bot or InstanceBuddy
    Reach a level
    Detect if a player follows the bot : Disconnect after x minutes
    Detect if a player targets the bot : Disconnect after x minutes
    Cannot loot mobs : When the bot isn't able to loot mobs
    Possibility to add a beep when triggers fire : Useful for the profile dev who want debug them without stay behind their screen !

  • Action Before : Just before log out, the bot can execute an action

    Use hearthstone : Simple hearthstone, archeology/etherian hearthstones supported
    Use a spell : The plugin checks if the spell has been casted successfully
    Use an item : Like for the spell, check any casts

  • Action After : Just after log out, the bot can execute another action

    Shutdown the computer
    Execute a batch ligne : You can specify a program to execute with some arguments

  • Logging

    Possibility to change the color of the log texts : W00t!
    Write the remaining time in the log console every x minutes if you check the trigger time elapsed

  • Exceptions : Exceptions are to prevent a log out at a bad time

    During a battleground
    During an instance
    Can ignore the number of death in BGs


[Archive] LogMeOut! Ver.1.1.2 :

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Please, like this post if you enjoy this patch. ;)

~ DarkZe



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