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About DarkZe

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  1. Nice job AcidRain.
  2. I posted the .NET Red Gate Developer Bundle in my corner that includes the latest version of .NET Reflector.
  3. The DirectX9 in Windows 7 is not the same in Windows 8. A patch can be possible if someone wants to play with the injected stub.
  4. IDA Pro to reverse any software. It also supports .NET applications (display IL code).
  5. Hi Vozduxx, Look at this post to solve your issue. Install the attached file by running it as administrator. Cheers DarkZe
  6. Hi there, If you are looking for software to crack/patch/keygen/unpack and so on, I recently found these websites that provide great challenges, from beginner to the most advanced reverser. Here are the websites: W3ChallsRoot MeThey are all available in English. I started some days ago with W3Challs. I've done 6/8 in Cracking and 6/17 in Hacking. If you have questions about the challenges proposed, I can help you with ones I already completed. If anyone also knows websites like that, I can add it in the list. Cheers