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CDPatcher - excluded yet quarantined

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I've excluded cdpatcher in my antivirus program(eset, Smart Security 8) and created two rules in windows firewall(inbound&outbound) allowing it to do w/e. Excluded both the folder and the .exe in SS8.

What happens when I start the .exe is that eset detects it as a trojan, the object/trojan(cdpatcher) is in my "workingmemory", and puts it in quarantine yet the cdpatcher is still in the folder in the end. I do not get the window to choose my "auth server" which I did get a few days ago(it was still detecting it as a trojan, doing the same thing like above) but couldn't use HB anyway due to HB detecting my code(CDPatcher key) as invalid.


Am I doing something wrong, missing something or do I need to add something to the pot?

I've tried putting it in differect directories(C:, D: and H:, total of 3).



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I cannot help you with your anti virus software, im sorry. You should refer to the documentation for said AV software

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Can I take that as a confirmation that the trouble is on my end?

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(eset, Smart Security 8)

Same here =(

NOD thinks that CDPatcher is trojan, so i turn NOD off every time

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Thing is, even if I do turn it off it doesn't work. Still detects a trojan in my "workingmemory" even though I've turned everything off, as said. Protection and firewall :/

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Thing is, even if I do turn it off it doesn't work. Still detects a trojan in my "workingmemory" even though I've turned everything off, as said. Protection and firewall :/

Then you should probably find yourself some anti virus software that actually does as its told.

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Then you should probably find yourself some anti virus software that actually does as its told.


I guess, perhaps next year.



Thanks for every1 responses.

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Did some more digging&testing and found out that if I disable HIPS in smart security it works. When HIPS is enabled it automatically protects your computer from wierd/suspicious system behavior so I guess CDPatcher triggered that. Disabling the AV did not automatically disable HIPS. Got HB up and running for the moment, with my AV activated. So far, so good.

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