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About Ryuk

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  1. plex

    Thanks boss, I knew you would be prepared, to avoid this in the future though may I suggest maybe a email notification 7 days prior to the VIP status of being removed? I am just wondering if you could maybe do this? As this would probably resolve most of the usage cap set my Plex. Cause, I would quite happily sub for a year to avoid this as an example.
  2. plex

    Suspense, could you maybe just invite me on a separate method? I wanted to have a movie day with the kids today. Sorry to badger.
  3. plex

    Thank you suspense.
  4. plex

    Hi guys. My vip expired briefly, just donated again but the plex auto invite is failing and tells me to contact a admin. Could this please be looked into? regards
  5. A similar issue is described here; http://codedeception.com/ipb/index.php/topic/9286-bot-stopping-reasonsession-error/ I believe Suspense is looking at it.
  6. Are you running WoW 32 bit? That is what it is generally related to; System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005) https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=system.componentmodel.win32exception%20(0x80004005)%20honorbuddy
  7. Works great, +1 from me
  8. Oh so he isn't running WoW in 32Bit mode? Learn something new everyday!
  9. That looks like your visual basic packages are broken. Download this: BuddyWizard.zip Extract and Run as Administrator
  10. Issue resolved, seems like something known to me was causing it to crash, I did over the last 24h remove and install AV's so that could have been the issue. I guess this was a rare happening, still got the same session of HB running from the post above. Thanks for the help
  11. Update to 781! http://updates.buddyauth.com
  12. 2 things I can spot that is wrong, HB is now on version 781 and have you relaunched the CDPatcher at all? I would try that first as the Public Auth was offline this morning so it could be issue with that, but I had the same issue you described above.
  13. Ok so it has been 10 minutes so far and she is quite happily farming at the moment, no force disconnects yet and guess what the solution was......
  14. Yeah Suspense, I didn't realise I had a account with you guys last year! So I had made a new one, when I went to update my email on ToRRaX I realised I already had a account, was logged in on the wrong profile. You can delete ToRRaX if you want as it is obsolete, but it is me. Sorry!