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About Baloony

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  1. guys, wtf is wrong with , don't you think will get a notice when cdauth will be up? Read the fucking thread before you post
  2. can you tell me how can i get the zygor auction house history please?
  3. Name of Buddstore Product: [Pairidaeza] Collector Edition (Free) Buddystore Version and release date: Version: 1.1 (4/27/2015 3:00:32 PM) CDstore version(if applicable): Link to buddystore item:
  4. can't open auctioneer's wow gold guide anymore, it is installed and when i click on the open guide button nothing happens, how can i fix that?
  5. Retribution paladin , i also recomand you that you should level the charecter you want to use the must by yourself as much as possible , cause you'll be introduced to the class a lot better
  6. Program:HB Version:Latest Issue:when i used it to level up my herbalism it worked fine but now when i'm setting it to geather an x amount of y herb it will only roam around alover the map without geathiring anything Log: the log is 2 big so i will put the link to it here Combat Routine: Singular Botbase: Professionbuddy Thanks in advance
  7. Is the new hb working for normal users?